
How to start a summer full of beach reading with Elin Hilderbrand’s books

How to start a summer full of beach reading with Elin Hilderbrand’s books

If you’re someone who enjoys long, scholarly textbooks or the entire writings of Dostoyevsky to relax on the beach, then Hilderbrand might not be for you. But if you want to escape from it all and immerse yourself in a fictionalized version of Nantucket where the characters are rich, interesting, and about to get embroiled in scandal while living a life of luxury, then you should go out and buy all of her books right now. What makes Hilderbrand’s books such ideal beach reading is the escapism it allows the reader. Hilderbrand creates a world that most can only dream of—and even she agrees.


“I love Nantucket so much,” Hilderbrand told Glamour. “It’s the love of my life. I go to the deli once a week to buy one or two things. Today I saw a woman in front of me who had done all her grocery shopping there, which, as I could see over her shoulder, cost about $875. For, I don’t know, two or three bags of groceries. I thought to myself, Holy crap, this is the kind of person who lives in my novels… the typical summer person who comes and literally doesn’t care how much something costs because they have unlimited money. I had to laugh and thought, OK, so this is a character right out of my book.”