
How Fallout started a massive faction war for Season 2

How Fallout started a massive faction war for Season 2


  • In the first season of Fallout, a major factional war breaks out in California, with the Brotherhood of Steel playing a dominant role.
  • New factions such as the Followers of the Apocalypse, Caesar’s Legion, and the Khans could enter the conflict in Season 2.
  • The Enclave, with its development of super mutants and its potential for war, poses a significant threat to the Brotherhood of Steel.



The events of Stand out Season 1 laid the groundwork for a massive faction war when the series returns. In both the series and the games, the existence of factions is one of the most important concepts in the world of Stand outWhichever side the protagonist takes in various conflicts, be it the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel, or someone else entirely, those decisions can have all sorts of consequences.

True to this idea, Stand out Season 1 made a handful of recognizable factions from the games an important part of the characters’ stories. The two most important were undoubtedly the New California Republic and the Brotherhood of Steel, whose epic clash in Stand out The Season 1 finale seemed to be a crucial turning point for the region. The NCR suffered a devastating loss when the Brotherhood overwhelmed their forces. But despite this outcome, It is unlikely that the Brotherhood is the only faction with a strong presence in CaliforniaRather, their actions could open the door to a full-scale factional war.

The end of Fallout’s first season sparked a factional war in California

The Brotherhood of Steel has unintentionally provoked further attacks from other factions

On the surface, it might be easy to see Moldaver’s defeat as a setup for a story in which the Brotherhood of Steel remains unchallenged. Stand out Season 2. However, the benefits they will gain from defeating the NCR may not be so simple. While there is understandable confusion about the state of the New California Republic in the Stand out Timeline, Moldaver’s downfall does not prove they were removed from the board. There may be other remnants of the NCR in California who can continue their fight.

Even if the NCR does not react directly to the Brotherhood of Steel’s victory, it is difficult to imagine the organization going unopposed after what happened in the finale. They took over the region that Moldaver’s forces controlled and also gained control of Dr. Wilzig’s discovery of cold fusion. the Brotherhood of Steel has changed the balance of power in the regionwhich will certainly make them a target. None of the other factions in California can be expected to simply accept the Brotherhood of Steel as the dominant power in the country.

New factions that could appear in Fallout Season 2

Fallout Season 2 Could Introduce the Followers of the Apocalypse, Caesar’s Legion and the Khans

Benny, a man in a checkered suit, points a gun at the camera in a screenshot from the intro of Fallout New Vegas, flanked by a pair of Great Khans and the full moon.

As Stand out As the lore shows, the apocalypse is full of factions that could attack the Brotherhood of Steel Stand out Season 2. Aside from the NCR, the most obvious antagonist the series has featured so far are the Followers of Apocalypse. Once allies of the NCR, the Followers are a benevolent group who devote a lot of time and resources to helping others. They typically abhor violence, but will stand up for themselves when the situation calls for it. And if the series’ villainous portrayal of the Brotherhood is any indication, the Followers may feel it’s necessary to take action against them.

The fact that the Brotherhood’s followers could resist lends credibility to the idea, as they appear in the story itself. As the first Stand out Wild, they live in the same region of Fallout Apocalypse in which the series is set. So unless they drove all their people out of the area, it could be that, although none of the characters in Stand out Season 1 were confirmed members of the group, some of the people in Filly and could be secret followers of the apocalypse.

Another group whose presence could make them a potential enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel in the coming battles are the Khans. They were introduced in the first game and The Khans are one of the raider factions based in CaliforniaIt is plausible that they see the recent battle between the NCR and the Brotherhood as an opportunity for expansion. Fallout The NCR has been weakened again and the Brotherhood – as a newcomer – does not yet have a firm grip on the Boneyard. Stand out Season 2 might be the right time for the Khans to do something.

There is also the possibility that Caesar’s Legion will officially join the action. Currently, there are unconfirmed theories that the Legion has actually been absorbed by the Brotherhood. If that is not the case and the Legion remains a separate faction, the Roman Empire-inspired Stand out Villains could set their sights on the Brotherhood and the remnants of the NCR (if they still exist) in Fallout Season 2. A big part of the Legion’s endgame is conquering the NCR. They might see the events of the first season as an opportunity to finish them off, or as the rise of a new rival within the Brotherhood.

The greatest threat to the Brotherhood of Steel is the Enclave

The enclave could exacerbate a possible multi-front war

Dr. Siggi Wilzig without facial expression in Fallout Season 1

Of all the potential enemies the Brotherhood of Steel could face in Season 2, none pose a greater threat than the Enclave. The Enclave is not currently at odds with the Brotherhood, nor has it been a significant factor in the plot, but the achievement of cold fusion could prove crucial to their place in the story. Stand out was not explicit about the Enclave’s reaction to Dr. Wilzig’s escape with cold fusion, but since it is an important development for them, they will not stand on the sidelines forever.

Through cold fusion, Brotherhood now has something that the revived version of the Enclave has a reasonable claim to. Stand out Season 2. Due to heavy losses in the previous Stand out While the Enclave may not be as strong as it once was, their brief appearances in the series show that they still have a functioning base and forces. And even if they lack the manpower needed to defeat the Brotherhood of Steel, they have other ways to achieve their goals.

Stand out Season 1 provided an ominous hint as to how the Enclave might make a splash in the series. As evidenced by the appearance of a monster hand, the Enclave is developing super mutants. Depending on their progress, they could have a force of super mutants ready for a fight with the Brotherhood of Steel. In the games, they often rely on robots, which they may also have at their disposal in the series. Either approach – or both – could be important weapons for them in the future. And considering their ambitions for power from the games, the likelihood that the Enclave is making preparations to overthrow the Brotherhood is all the higher.