
Voice of the People (23 June 2023): Supreme Court without integrity

Voice of the People (23 June 2023): Supreme Court without integrity

Politicians on the Supreme Court?

The politicians who sit on the so-called Supreme Court lack moral or legal integrity.

Because they feel no responsibility to anyone, neither to the Constitution nor to their internal code of ethics, however meager that may be, we are deprived of our rights and freedoms and of a simple, common-sense law that would assist us in our quest to avoid being mowed down by an automatic weapon.

Apparently, these reprehensible politicians in black robes should show respect to the people’s representatives in the US Congress, unless a law is declared unconstitutional. No! We are in trouble, folks. Elections can be a matter of life and death.

Danette May, Lakeland

Voice of the People (June 16, 2024): Marco Rubio gives up his integrity for Trump

Make America a safe superpower again

While middle-class Americans still pay taxes to the federal government, are the history, culture and heritage that created this great nation honestly represented by politicians at the federal and state levels?

Our current presidential administration and Congress do not care about meaningful and honest government of our country.

America’s weak economy, health care, and national security crisis must be addressed. Other considerations include immigration growth, assimilation, terrorism, crime, drugs, the federal budget and national debt, open borders, energy independence, and modernizing and strengthening our military.

Former President Donald Trump promised in 2016 to make America great again by tackling these failing socialist issues, but his dream has been blocked by a partisan Congress that does nothing for the cause, anti-American diversions from the left, and an often unreliable news media.

It is time for the House of Representatives to conduct investigations that will ensure an honest legal system, drain these socialist swamps, and secure our capitalist free markets and our constitutional republic.

Loyal, patriotic American citizens must drain this swamp of partisan politicians at the federal and state levels who are wasting billions of their hard-earned tax dollars.

Vote for Donald J. Trump this November. Let’s make America a safe superpower again, supporting freedom, independence and justice for all legal, hard-working, tax-paying, middle-class American citizens.

Walt Back, Lakeland

Voice of the People (June 9, 2024): Polk’s US representative – little leadership, only party line

Why Trump’s trial was important

Why was Trump’s hush money trial so important? Maybe not for the reasons given on TV between commercials.

Think of the person(s) you admire most. Why do you value them so much?

Someone you admire and can trust? Someone you want to be a role model for your life? Someone your children and grandchildren should emulate? Someone who had the courage to do the right thing, even if it cost them their life?

We would hope that the President of the United States, who has the power to put our family members in danger, possesses the qualities listed above.

Not long ago, a divorced person had no chance of being elected president. Then we elected Donald Trump, who was married three times and rumored to have cheated on all three women. Is this the kind of person you want your children and grandchildren to emulate and imitate?

Maybe the process is not as important as the question: What kind of person do we want as our next president?

We thought Roe v. Wade was the law. President Trump has proven us wrong.

How are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid regulated?

Robert Connors, Lakeland

Who would Jesus choose?

There is a group of Americans that I call “convenient Christians.” These are the people who like to quote Bible verses that support their arguments and ignore Bible verses that don’t. These are the same people who ask, “What would Jesus do?” when the answer is one they agree with.

So what would Jesus do if it came down to an election? Would he vote for a felon with 34 previous convictions? Would he vote for a man who was found liable for sexually abusing a woman or a man who was found guilty of fraud? Would he vote for someone who never turns the other cheek but attacks with every means at his disposal? My guess is no.

Nevertheless, comfortable Christian voters will do everything possible to find and rationalize reasons in their minds why they should vote for someone with the above-mentioned accomplishments. In fact, this says more about the type of person who is a comfortable Christian voter than it does about the candidate.

Michael Schwam, Lakeland

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