
Alleged Fortnite cheater brags, fans demand epic smackdown after streamer gets away with thousands of dollars

Alleged Fortnite cheater brags, fans demand epic smackdown after streamer gets away with thousands of dollars

The Fourteen days The community is in uproar following the recent ban of a young player who allegedly cheated his way to thousands of dollars in tournament winnings. The incident has sparked a heated debate about the need for stricter penalties for cheaters in competitive play.

Many fans are demanding that Epic Games take legal action, as simply banning players is not enough to prevent cheaters when real money is at stake. The controversy has reignited the debate about the responsibility of game developers to ensure a fair playing field.

Fortnite fans demand stronger measures against cheaters

Allowing players to cheat is not a good sign for competitive Fortnite.
Allowing players to cheat is not a good sign for the competition Fourteen days.

The controversy revolves around a player named Kirbty, who recently received his permanent ban from Fourteen days on social media. Despite the ban, Kirbty’s X-Bio still proudly displays $7.4K earned | 15,based on their age and the amount of tournament prizes they have won.

As news of the ban spread, fans flocked to social media platforms to voice their opinions on the matter, with many arguing that simply banning cheaters is not enough, especially when real money is at stake.

“Professional player” with $7,000 winnings banned for fraud
byu/imalonexc inFortNiteBR

The calls for legal action against Kirbty reflect a growing frustration within the Fourteen days Community about the perceived leniency towards cheaters in competitive esports.

Since real money is involved, many argue that cheating in tournaments should be taken as seriously as cheating in traditional sportsrather than simply leading to a ban, permanent or otherwise.

byu/imalonexc from the discussion

This could have negative effects on the entire community.

The bigger impact on competition in Fortnite

This year’s Fortnite Championship Series features a massive prize pool of $7,675,000.
These years Fortnite Championship Series has a huge prize pool of $7,675,000.

The incident also highlighted the broader impact of cheating on competition. Fourteen days Scene. Another player (who also happens to be an active Fourteen days Content creator with over 1 million subscribers on YouTube), @OriginGGss, responded to Kirbty’s original Notice, and reveals how the alleged cheater’s actions directly impacted his team’s tournament schedule and performance.

The Creator continued:

This example shows that cheating not only undermines the integrity of the game, but can have real consequences for other players and teams who invest time and money in fair competition. It’s not just the integrity of the game itself that’s at stake, but also the livelihoods and ambitions of honest players who are dedicated to mastering their craft rather than relying on unfair advantages.

As the Fourteen days The community continues to debate the appropriate response to cheating in competitive play. All eyes are on Epic GamesThe company has long had a zero-tolerance policy toward fraud, but many fans argue that stronger deterrents are needed to truly combat the problem.

It remains to be seen whether Epic will comply with calls for legal action against the young player, but this incident has undoubtedly reignited discussions about the ethics of competitive gaming and the responsibility of developers to ensure a level playing field.

Because such incidents directly contradict the Fourteen days Competition motto: “Anyone can participate, anyone can win.”

Fortnite Reload just went liveand it looks like this could revive the franchise’s popularity, but to what end? No one can say for sure.

What steps do you think Epic Games should take to combat cheating in tournaments? Is it a good idea to take legal action against cheaters who win prize money? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!