
WWII veteran talks about his 100th year

WWII veteran talks about his 100th year

STEVENSON, Alabama (WHNT) – Celebrating another year of life is always special, but for World War II veteran John Smith, reaching age 100 is nothing short of a blessing.

Smith was born in 1924 and will celebrate a remarkable achievement on Saturday with family and friends. “Oh God, it feels great,” Smith said.

Smith has lived in Stevenson his entire life, except for his time in the Army, where he fought for his country in World War II. He also later worked as a military policeman and received numerous awards for his service, including a World War II Victory Medal.

“It had a profound impact on my life and taught me important lessons, especially obedience,” Smith said, reflecting on his time in the military.

The Army veteran’s journey is shaped by his faith, which has seen him attend the same church for 60 years. Smith attributes reaching the 100-year mark to his spiritual relationship with Christ.

“As a child, I believed in the Bible verse: Obey your mother and your father, and your days will be longer. And I think that helped me live the life I lived,” Smith explained.

During their deployment, Smith and his comrades suffered a near-death experience and relied on that faith, sang “Amazing Grace” and miraculously managed to overcome enemy lines.

To this day, “Amazing Grace” remains his favorite song, a grace that extends to others as well. His granddaughter started a foundation in his honor to support veterans, which he says has been very humbling.

“As a veteran myself, I know it helps them tremendously. It’s encouraging for me to see that it’s helping veterans live better lives,” Smith said.

Smith explained that helping others is one of the reasons he feels he was put on this earth. Reaching triple digits isn’t an everyday occurrence, but he says that living a life of faith and treating others with kindness can take you far.

“Love the Lord, love God with all your heart, strength and mind,” Smith said. “Love one another, try to get along with your enemies and pray for them.”

Smith’s actual 100th birthday is Monday and is being honored by his community in Stevenson, with the town declaring June 24, 2024, as John H. Smith Day.