
Noa Argamani to the Prime Minister: “Hearing that the war will last for months has upset me”

Noa Argamani to the Prime Minister: “Hearing that the war will last for months has upset me”

Rescued prisoner Noa Argamani told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: “The hardest moment for me was when I heard you on the radio saying the war would last a long time. I thought I would not get out of here. That was a turning point for me,” Israeli media reported on Tuesday.

Noa Argamani was rescued in June during Operation Arnon along with Andrey Kozlov, Almog Meir Jan and Shlomi Ziv.

Argamani said one of the hardest things she experienced during her captivity was listening to Netanyahu’s speech and comments about the looming length of the war.

The sources pointed out that Argamani told Netanyahu that his testimony, which she heard during her captivity, had broken her and diminished her hope of seeing her mother again, returning home and not dying in Gaza.

Argamani told Netanyahu that she “faced death” during her captivity when two hostages who were with her were killed. The sources added that Argamani stressed: “The hostages must be brought home as soon as possible before it is too late.”

Noa Argamani will be reunited with her father on June 9, 2024 (Source: IDF SPOKES OFFICE)

Representatives of the families of the American hostages urged Netanyahu during the meeting: “Our family members held by Hamas cannot wait any longer and you must conclude the deal now,” they said in a statement released.

Families of American hostages raise expectations for Netanyahu’s speech to Congress

The representatives of the American hostages told Netanyahu: “You are on American soil and we expect you to speak about the eight American hostages in your speech to Congress and to announce this week that you have reached an agreement to bring them home. Any other outcome would mean the failure of your visit to the United States.”

The meeting was also attended by representatives of the Gevurah and Tikvah forums, known for their right-wing views and support for Netanyahu. According to two sources who attended the meeting, they urged him not to end the war and not to push forward with the agreement currently on the table.

Before Netanyahu arrives in Washington on Tuesday, the hostages’ families will hold a demonstration and press conference around the Capitol. “What can parents of a kidnapped child think when they hear of more hostages kidnapped alive and murdered in captivity?” said a statement from the Hostages and Missing Families Forum. “Netanyahu – sign the deal. Bring them home!”