
Letters to the editor from July 23, 2024

Letters to the editor from July 23, 2024

Plans for LBI

I was recently discussing the recent storm surges and their impacts with my neighbor and was amazed at his lack of knowledge about the next phase of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ New Jersey Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Surge Management Project, which involves mapping all structures on Long Beach Island since it has been declared a flood plain.

This mapping exercise, which is set to begin later this year, will identify residential, commercial and other buildings and classify them according to their ability to withstand storm surges. I am confident that this mapping exercise will help the government decide which of our island’s buildings are worth saving and how much money, if any, should be allocated to preventive flood measures to protect our island.

The Army Corps will use this mapping classification as part of its developed storm surge flooding solutions and will decide on future funding for these plans across the LBI and how we can be better protected from the impacts.

People also read…

As a bayside homeowner in LBI who was directly impacted by Superstorm Sandy and continues to be impacted by increasing flooding, I believe it is important that we as a community begin to voice our concerns about these decisions being made on our behalf. Most in our community are unaware of how much this can mean, not only to the value of our homes and businesses, but to our way of life. I believe we need to begin reaching out to our local and state government officials to demand transparency and opportunities so that we understand what is being proposed, what is planned, and how this mapping impacts us.

We should have the opportunity to ask questions and express our concerns about any proposed solutions, right?

Voice of the People: Letters to the Editor from July 20, 2024

AC, Ventnor bike usage linked

In light of the recent discussion by Atlantic City authorities about changing bicycle riding hours on the Boardwalk, it would be wise to contact Ventnor authorities and work out a compromise plan to maintain the same permitted time for the entire length of the Boardwalk.

Additionally, the Ventnor bike lanes on the street are heavily used, but the Atlantic City bike lanes on the Avenue are barely used. Before any further expansion of the Atlantic City bike lanes is undertaken, perhaps a detailed study is needed to find out why they are not being used. Or just ask the local residents, they will know.

Van Drew doesn’t care

After reading Thursday’s news article about U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew’s speech at the Republican National Convention, I find it interesting that he says of the Democratic Party, “I know how you feel… like your party has abandoned you… like your party doesn’t care about the American people… like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are hurting our country, because they are.”

Van Drew attacks the other party without naming a single Democratic action that he opposes.

Democrats like (Van Drew’s Democratic congressional opponent) Joe Salerno, if elected, will vote to restore women’s right to reproductive freedom. Van Drew supported the overturning of Roe, which Donald Trump gets credit for enabling. Democrats and reasonable Republicans voted to fund the government, not to create an economic collapse. Democrats worked with reasonable Republicans to pass the infrastructure bill that Trump only promised but never implemented. When it came to a vote in 2021, Van Drew voted no.

Democrats worked with honest Republicans to pass a new border bill, which Trump opposed because it would be another bipartisan win for Democrats. Where was Van Drew on this? When Democrats under Biden’s leadership lowered the cost of insulin for seniors, did Van Drew give them credit or did he vote to support the pharmaceutical industry? Van Drew is fully behind Trump, who demonizes Democrats and calls them socialists, communists, and vermin. Democrats have proven they will work with Republicans who care about the issues that matter to people. Van Drew fails on this point.

Voice of the People: Letters to the Editor from July 13, 2024

Pharmacy reform needed now

You only turn 50 once

I wonder why Mayor Marty Small is being criticized so harshly. Why not be patient and wait for the day the Mayor goes to trial? The opinion that counts is the opinion of the judge or jury. As for his wife parking in the handicapped zone, my understanding is that drivers only get tickets. And FYI, in the BLACK community, a 50th birthday is a BIG DEAL and we celebrate this milestone in life like any other community. My only disappointment is that I wasn’t invited!