
Don’t like the sound of your voice? There’s an app for that

Don’t like the sound of your voice? There’s an app for that

Many people don’t like the sound of their own voice. But what if there was a way to change it without surgery?

The TruVox app, developed at the University of Cincinnati, makes singing lessons accessible. Although anyone can use the app for singing lessons, the target audience is transgender people – particularly trans women.

While trans men may notice changes in their voice after hormone therapy, this is not the case for trans women. Surgery to change the pitch or character of the voice can be time-consuming and expensive. The app offers free, non-invasive exercises with real-time feedback.

At Cincinnati edition, We learn more about the new app, its development and its use.

The University of Cincinnati provides financial support to Cincinnati Public Radio.


  • Vesna Dominika Novak, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Cincinnati

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