
Healthcare, nurses: Nurses in turmoil, on the verge of strike

Healthcare, nurses: Nurses in turmoil, on the verge of strike

“The cup is full and it is time to expose the contradictions of a government that, on the one hand, through the mouth of the minister Schillacirecognizes the seriousness of the care problem, but on the other hand continues to make empty statements.” With these words, the national secretary of Nursind, Andrea Bottegaannounces the state of unrest of all workers in the sector, announcing “the autumn strike”. The lack of attention given to nurses in the waiting list decree approved by the Senate and now being examined by the Chamber was only “the last straw”, explains Bottega. “This provision could have been the opportunity for the Meloni leadership to show attention to this category. Instead, the proposals put forward by several senators to enhance the value of the profession and expand its skills were irresponsibly rejected.”

The reason for the declaration of the state of rest is obviously not only the waiting list decree: “The government has been in office for 21 months. A fairly long time in which doctors have brought home some small results, but nothing has been done for nurses. What sense then is there in recognizing in words that the real emergency in Italy is the lack of skilled workers, aggravated by the ever decreasing attractiveness of the profession, if we then do not have the strength and will to intervene?”, attacks Bottega. “Nothing has been done, let alone planned, to prevent demotions, for example, and nothing is in sight in terms of additional funds for the renewal of the sectoral contract, despite the impact of inflation on the salaries of a category that is already among the lowest paid in Europe. And finally, what can we say about the indifference of the institutions to an issue as sensitive as the lack of recognition of nursing work as strenuous?” explains the secretary. “Faced with increasing layoffs, professionals leaving the NHS and going abroad, but above all with young people completely abandoning the idea of ​​having a career for fear of grueling shifts, low salaries and the burden of unrecognised responsibilities, the state of unrest is an act of responsibility. In fact, it is up to us to sound the alarm to the government and warn them about the conditions facing the National Health Service. Without nurses, it is doomed to collapse. And there will be no professionals from India – Bottega concluded – capable of acting as a barrier.”

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