
5 Palestinians killed in IOF drone strike in Tulkarm, including 2 women

5 Palestinians killed in IOF drone strike in Tulkarm, including 2 women

Palestinian media report that a Palestinian was also killed by Israeli occupation forces in Sair, north of al-Khalil.

  • IOF kills Palestinian in West Bank raids during Netanyahu's US trip
    Smoke rises from Tulkarm refugee camp after an Israeli drone strike that martyred and wounded several Palestinians on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 (Social Media)

Five Palestinians, including two women, were killed in an Israeli drone attack on the Tulkarm refugee camp early Tuesday, Palestinian media reported.

The media added that the IOF opened fire on ambulances, preventing them from reaching wounded Palestinians.

Palestinian resistance forces fought side by side against large numbers of Israeli occupation troops who raided the town and its refugee camp, detonating a number of IEDs in the invading forces and their military vehicles.

Palestinian media reported that several Israeli soldiers were injured in one of the IED attacks on a military vehicle during the hours-long confrontation.

The media also reported that a Palestinian was injured by three Israeli bullets and taken to hospital.

Read more: The resistance is using explosives and machine guns to counter IOF attacks in the West Bank

A Palestinian was martyred in Sair, north of al-Khalil in the occupied West Bank, after being shot by Israeli occupation forces during a raid on the town.

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the martyr as 33-year-old Jihad Mohammed Hussein Shalalda.

Former prisoner Raafat Zaal Shalalda was also arrested in the city by raiding IOF forces.

Due to the intense clashes in Tulkarm, the Israeli occupation forces requested reinforcements. A large number of additional soldiers and military vehicles were observed entering the city.

Meanwhile, an Israeli bulldozer destroyed Palestinian vehicles and property, including shops and houses, in the city of Tulkarm, Palestinian media reported.

The Nour Shams and Tulkarm Brigades of the Al-Quds Brigades carried out coordinated attacks against attacking IOF forces and announced the successful detonation of a heavy explosive device on Israeli military vehicles.

Read more: Israeli soldier killed, 16 injured in IED ambush in Jenin

In addition, the al-Qassam Brigades – Tulkarm Brigade reported that they detonated an explosive device on a D9 bulldozer and other Israeli military vehicles as they advanced on Al-Muqata’a Street.

Al-Qassam released footage of their operation.

For their part, the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades in Tulkarm said their fighters had attacked Israeli military vehicles with several explosive devices, confirming that they were direct hits.

The al-Asifah Forces, the military wing of Fatah al-Intifada, announced the detonation of an “Asif” device in an Israeli force in Tulkarm. The group confirmed that it had scored direct hits.

Palestinian media sources confirmed that an Israeli D9 bulldozer was disabled by an explosive device at the southern entrance to the Tulkarm refugee camp.

In a related context, occupation forces arrested Palestinian youth Moatasem Shuaibat in his home in Beit Sahour in Beit Lahm in the central West Bank.

Israeli occupation forces also stormed the Salam neighborhood in the town of Anata in the north of occupied Al-Quds.

“Lebanonization of the West Bank”

Israeli media reported earlier this month that there were concerns within the Israeli army and intelligence services about a “Lebanonization” of the occupied West Bank after resistance groups increasingly used high-explosive IEDs.

In the most recent incident, the resistance movement attacked the occupation forces with an explosive device near the Nur Shams camp in Tulkarm on July 9. The occupation forces admitted that earlier this month a soldier had died while driving a Nimr vehicle that was destroyed by resistance fighters in the Nur Shams camp.

According to the report, the IED ambushes reminded Israeli officials of the fighting against Hezbollah in the 1990s during the occupation of southern Lebanon and the use of explosive devices during that period.

Israeli Channel Kan-TV reported that this threat has recently become more severe.

According to the source, some of the bombs contain dozens of kilograms of explosives and are detonated remotely by resistance fighters who place them under the asphalt of the streets.

Israeli military experts stressed that the occupation army uses armored bulldozers to clear the roads before other vehicles enter and detonates the explosives upon contact with the bulldozers.

But the Israeli Channel 12 confirmed that the resistance movement has developed a new tactic to counter Israeli efforts to remove the IEDs, burying the explosive devices deeper in the ground to prevent them from being detonated by the heavily armored bulldozers.