
Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Marlon Taylor, Notre Dame (Mendoza)

Meet the MBA Class of 2025: Marlon Taylor, Notre Dame (Mendoza)

“Ambitious, caring, curious and innovative. Intelligent, intuitive, an analyst who is not afraid to make data-driven decisions.”

Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

Fun fact about you: I met Stevie Wonder at his concert in Kansas City. That was my first concert ever.

Basic education and major: University of Missouri – Columbia; Industrial Systems Engineering

Last employer and job title: SafetyChain Software, Customer Engineer

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Notre Dame? College football, a promising place to learn with very talented individuals and a cozy community.

How have your experiences with the Mendoza program so far confirmed or refuted these initial impressions? Affirmed!! When I came to Notre Dame, I felt a sense of pride and peace. How lucky I am to attend such an institution. The football games are everything I imagined. And last but not least, the people are warm and trustworthy.

Apart from your fellow students, what was the main reason for your decision to complete the Mendoza MBA program at this business school and why was it so important to you? The results of previous students. The fact that over 95% found a job within 3 months of graduation was very gratifying. In addition, the career counselors were helpful in the job search and led to successful results.

What course, club or activity have you enjoyed the most in Mendoza so far? I haven’t been able to attend yet, but I’m really excited to be joining the bowling club. I don’t like to boast about my love of bowling, but I have my own shoes and balls. You could say it’s a serious hobby of mine.

Describe your greatest professional success so far: I led a process improvement project at Hallmark Cards that saved over $100,000.

I was able to raise over $30,000 for my National Society of Black Engineer Chapter at the University of Missouri – Columbia.

Describe your greatest success so far as an MBA student?

  • Obtaining an internship in the IBM Financial Leadership Development Program
  • Finished the winter semester with a grade of 3.0.

Mendoza is known as a purpose-driven MBA program that challenges students to “drive the good in business.” What is your mission and how has Mendoza helped you achieve it? My mission was to increase my overall knowledge in the area of ​​financial literacy, but after being here for a few months now, I feel like I need to take the time to explore my resources to make this type of information entertaining and accessible to many people outside of myself.

What has been your best memory as an MBA so far? My favorite memory as an MBA student was when we would tailgate and watch football games. I can’t tell you how exciting that stadium can be!!