
I hope the next Mistborn series revives the best part of the original books

I hope the next Mistborn series revives the best part of the original books

Contains SPOILERS for the Mistborn series up to Era 2.


  • Mistborn Era 3 may bring back Mistborns after they were eliminated in Era 2, possibly through the creation of Lerasium.
  • The Mistborn action sequences in Era 1 were more engaging than in Era 2, highlighting the importance of the Mistborn characters.
  • Technological advances in Mistborn Era 3 may require higher levels of magical power, suggesting a return of Mistborn.

With Brandon Sanderson Mistborn Era 3 will begin in the near future, There is one aspect of the original trilogy that I would like to see again2024 will be another big year for Sanderson and fans of his fictional universe Cosmere, because The Stormlight Archive Book 5 is due out in December. It is undoubtedly my most anticipated new novel of the year, with one aspect of my excitement being the continued exploration of the series’ connections to Mistborn Signs. What Mistborn Even though we will still have to wait years for a new book to be published, there is still a lot to discuss.

As a Brandon Sanderson fan, I am always grateful for his transparency regarding the progress of his books, and there is a lot of early information about Mistborn Era 3. Whether it stays true to the final product remains to be seen, but the setting and narrative elements seem to be set in stone. While Era 2 had a 19th century aesthetic, Era 3 will resemble the real early computer era of the 1980sThe current title of the trilogy is Mistborn: Ghostbloodwhose implications fascinate me, given my love for Mistborn Era 1 and The Stormlight Archive.

I hope Mistborn Era 3 brings back the Mistborns after they were eliminated in Era 2

The Mistborn bloodlines were diluted, causing them to become extinct by the Second Era

Mistborn Era 2 The Alloy of Law Brandon Sanderson

I definitely don’t like it Mistborn Era 2, but ultimately I find it to be a weaker saga than Era 1. The elements of Scadrial’s magic system were designed for the dark, medieval aesthetic of Luthadel and for antagonists like the Lord Ruler and the Steel Inquisitors, and I personally just didn’t find the transition to the gunslinger style of Era 2 worked as smoothly. A crucial element missing from Era 2 were the titular Mistbornswho was essentially extinct as the bloodline dissipated over the centuries. Wax eventually becomes Mistborn, but is not as important a part of the series.

In Era 2 there are still many Mistings and Twinborns, which Brandon Sanderson’s iconic Mistborn magic system. One of my hopes for Era 3 is that Mistborn returns, and there are theories that suggest this could happen. Overall, it is It seems unlikely that Brandon Sanderson would continue to omit the super-powered beings that are the hallmark of the seriesespecially given that technological advances require higher levels of magical power to keep pace with the modernization of weapons.


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Mistborn’s action sequences are among the best parts of the original trilogy

The action in Mistborn Era 1 was far more exciting than in Era 2

Mistborn Colossus

The magical system is generally attributed as Mistborn claim to fame, with the complicated, practically scientific system contributing some of the best action sequences in the entire Cosmere universe. Generally, I’m a reader more interested in character development and thematic explanations than action, but I can’t deny the visceral experience that Mistborn’s action sequences provide. Whether it’s Vin, Kelsier, or Elend, It was incredibly exciting to see how the main protagonists of Era 1 used their tools and developed their skills over time.

The scenes in which Mistborn’s characters were forced to use their abilities skillfully due to the low metal supplies are incredible

The Twinborns of Era 2 and the use of modern weapons undoubtedly offer an appealing update to the Mistborn magical system, but it never grabbed me in the same way. Balancing Mistborn power consumption due to required metal consumption made the action sequences rich with constant threat and seemingly amplifying the impact of every decision. The scenes where Mistborn characters were forced to use their abilities skillfully due to the low metal supply are incredible, like Vin defeating Shan Elariel in The Last Empire.


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The next Mistborn series needs a good reason to revive this element of the books

The use of Lerasium could bring back the Mistborn bloodlines

Wax and Wayne from the cover of Alloy of Law
Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury

The lost metal seems to lay the foundation for the return of Mistborn both in the main story and in Kelsier’s epilogue scenes. Wax discovers a way to create lerasium, the metal that can be used to create undiluted Mistborn and thus establish new bloodlines. Misery consumes a lerasium pearl in The Fountain of the Ascensionwhich immediately made him one of the most powerful Mistborn Characters based on the raw strength of a Mistborn whose powers have not been diluted across generations of bloodlines like Vin or Kelsier.

After Wax creates Lerasium and uses it on himself and Wayne, Kelsier suggests to Harmony that The lost metal Epilogue that he uses more Lerasium to create an army of Mistborn. Harmony rejects this plan, but It is possible that Scadrial will find its own way to produce Lerasium over time as a valuable resource to use later to create more Mistborn. Or Harmony could be used at some point in Mistborn Saga, leading to another shard that allows for more regular use of Lerasium and brings back Mistborn. I would be excited to see both options implemented.