
The difference between Toga’s and Uraraka’s love

The difference between Toga’s and Uraraka’s love


  • Toga and Uraraka have different views on love due to their upbringing and beliefs influenced by their quirks.
  • While Toga seeks recognition through violence, Uraraka’s love is based on happiness and support for others.
  • Uraraka’s understanding and acceptance of Toga’s feelings ultimately lead to a newfound friendship in My Hero Academia.



When we first meet Himiko Toga, she babbles about love, romance and the desire to suck the blood of those she loves, preferably the main character Midoriya Izuku in My Hero Academia. Uraraka Ochako also struggles with her feelings of love and romance for Deku, making the two love rivals.

However, there is a clear difference in the way they express their feelings. Toga has been looking for someone who will love and accept her for who she is, while Uraraka suppresses her feelings and supports those dear to her. But what are the differences in the way they express their love, especially for each other?


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What is the difference between Toga’s and Uraraka’s love?

Both Toga and Uraraka perceive love very differently

my hero academia toga is crying

Toga has been greatly influenced by her quirk, transformation, and beliefs about what love is. Due to this misguided notion, Toga believes that in order to love someone, you must completely become one with them and drink their blood. However, this can be seen as controversial, strange, and abnormal by many others. My hero academia.

This is in contrast to Uraraka, who grew up in a loving family. Although they struggled quite a bit, she was always surrounded by happiness. From a young age, Uraraka always wanted to see others happy and smiling after seeing her parents’ worried faces as a child. At the beginning of the series, Uraraka does not understand the meaning behind Toga’s feelings. Since they grew up in very different circumstances, they often misunderstand each other when speaking to each other during battle.


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Toga was looking for Uraraka, looking for someone similar to her, but also someone who would love and accept her. However, since Toga was a villain, Uraraka couldn’t accept this so easily, as Toga had always targeted and attacked her friends. However, it is not until chapter 289 that Uraraka begins to understand Toga’s words and feelings.

Uraraka was the best person for Toga to fall in love with, although she fell even harder for Midoriya Izuku. However, this might just be because she had no one left to turn to and looked to Deku for validation. Toga went into a downward spiral after Twice’s death and Uraraka’s rejection. However, it is thanks to Uraraka’s open-mindedness that she is able to express her feelings and accept Toga for who she is.


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On the other hand, Toga’s views on love differ greatly from Uraraka’s due to the influence of her Quirk. Uraraka’s love, which means acceptance and wanting others around her to be happy, saves Toga and gives her the closure she needs.

However, it was only when Uraraka saw Toga smiling with tears in her eyes that she realized that Toga must be suffering inside, and she sought out Toga to understand and accept her feelings. While Toga did not understand what love was due to her Quirk, Uraraka just wanted to see the people around her, including Toga, happy. In the end, Uraraka’s determination to put a genuine smile on Toga’s face saved her.

How does Toga perceive love?

my Hero Academia Toga family

Toga has always had a distorted idea of ​​love, likely due to the influence and suppression of her Quirk. At a very young age, after Toga began to show the manifestation of her Quirk, she was forced to undergo Quirk counseling in order to be accepted into society. However, this forced suppression further strengthened the influence of her Quirk, causing her ideas of love and blood to be misunderstood as one.

Toga always believed that she was normal in an abnormal society that constantly tried to suppress her feelings, so she decided to join the League of Villains to find others who accepted her values. Unfortunately, due to the nature of Toga’s quirk, this also led her to violently harm others in order to get their blood. Had others been more accepting of her quirk and its effects, her perception of love would not have been so distorted.

How does Uraraka perceive love?

Uraraka’s version of love is very different from Toga’s

my hero academia uraraka happy

Unlike Toga, Uraraka grew up in a loving family that always supported her and her dreams. Although her parents were not rich due to their failing construction business, they always supported their daughter and insisted that she follow her own path to happiness. Because of this loving relationship, Uraraka strove to see others happy, as the exhausted expressions on her parents’ faces always made her sad.

One of the reasons Uraraka decided to become a hero is to bring a smile to other people’s faces because she truly wanted others to be happy. Because of her acceptance in Quirk society and her determination to see others with a smile, Uraraka quickly noticed the difference in Toga’s smile, which helped her realize that Toga had been misunderstood. With this new information, Uraraka forms a newfound friendship with Toga in the final battle because Toga only ever wanted to be accepted by others.

How did the two meet?

My Hero Academia: Toga and Uraraka meet

Uraraka first meets Toga during the Forest Training Arc; during a dare, the Wild, Wild Pussycats, along with Asui Tsuyu, prepare to face the first years. As the battle begins, Toga recognizes in Uraraka someone similar to herself, someone she is in love with.

After this meeting, Toga bonds with Uraraka and Deku, seeking them out in battle and, most importantly, challenging their views on society. During the final war, however, Toga finally gets the answer she has been looking for: to feel accepted by someone she loves.

My Hero Academia is now available to stream on Crunchyroll.