
Israel’s war against Gaza live: Dozens killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza and Yemen | News on the Israel-Palestine conflict

Israel’s war against Gaza live: Dozens killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza and Yemen | News on the Israel-Palestine conflict

The International Court of Justice’s opinion shows that states “must isolate the State of Israel because it continues to practice … apartheid in Palestine,” South African Minister for International Relations and Cooperation Ronald Lamola said in a statement.

“The people of the world helped us fight against apartheid. This ruling also called on the people of the world to help the people of Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank to fight this ongoing apartheid by the State of Israel,” Lamola said.

Lamola added that the court’s opinion also showed that Israel’s argument that it acted in self-defence was not tenable.

“This ruling clearly shows that an occupier cannot act in self-defense,” he said.

The International Court of Justice’s ruling on Friday followed a 2022 request from the UN General Assembly and 49 submissions from member states, including South Africa.

South Africa has also brought another case before the ICJ accusing Israel of committing genocide in the war against Gaza.