
One day after the deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv, Israeli airstrikes attack the Yemeni Houthis.

One day after the deadly drone attack in Tel Aviv, Israeli airstrikes attack the Yemeni Houthis.


A day after the Iran-backed group claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on the Israeli city of Tel Aviv, Israeli airstrikes targeted Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said its warplanes attacked “military targets of the terrorist Houthi regime” in the area of ​​the Yemeni port of Hodeidah on Saturday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said this was a direct response to the death of a 50-year-old Israeli in a Houthis’ drone attack on Tel Aviv on Friday.

According to Israeli officials, this is the first time Israel has attacked Yemen.

The Houthi-run Al Masirah television station reported that the Israeli attacks targeted oil facilities in the port on Yemen’s west coast, killing at least three people and injuring 87, most of whom suffered “severe burns.”

Houthis spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said the attacks also hit civilian targets and a power plant. He condemned the “brutal Israeli aggression” that aims to increase the “suffering of the Yemeni people” and pressure the country to end its support for Gaza.

Houthi army spokesman Yehya Saree announced a response to the attack. He said the Houthis would not hesitate to attack Israel’s “vital targets” and warned that Tel Aviv was still not safe.

“We have prepared for a long war with this enemy until the aggression stops and the blockade of the Palestinian people is lifted,” Saree said.

Oil tanks burn in the port of Hodeidah, Yemen, on Saturday, July 20, 2024, following an Israeli attack.

Netanyahu said in a statement on Saturday that Hodeidah was “not an innocent port.”

“The city was used for military purposes and served as an entry point for the delivery of deadly weapons from Iran to the Houthis,” Netanyahu said, adding that Hodeidah had also been used to attack international shipping in the Red Sea.

Netanyahu also said the operation, which hit targets 1,800 kilometers from the Israeli border, showed that enemy Israel was serious about responding to the threats.

“It makes it clear to our enemies that there is no place that the long arm of the State of Israel will not reach,” Netanyahu said.

IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari said the attacks were also a response to the approximately 200 missiles the rebel group had fired at Israel since October, when Israel’s war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip began.

Since the war began, Yemeni rebels have regularly attacked the country with drones and missiles, most of which have been intercepted by Israel’s defenses or those of its allies. However, the Houthis claimed their drone attack in Tel Aviv on Friday – which also wounded 10 people – was carried out by a new drone capable of “evading the enemy’s interception systems.”

In addition, the Houthis regularly attacked US targets and merchant shipping in the Red Sea.

Both the UK and the US responded to the ship attacks with attacks on Houthi targets in Yemen. However, Israel did not participate in these responses.

An Israeli defense official told CNN that it was a 100 percent Israeli attack. The official said Israel had previously let the US and Britain take the lead in responding to Houthi attacks, but this time decided to respond on its own due to the death of the Israeli citizen in Tel Aviv.

According to the official, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant informed US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin before carrying out the attack.

The defense official added that Israel was able to strike so quickly because it had been preparing for this scenario for months.

A White House official said US President Joe Biden had been briefed on the “developments” in the Middle East. A spokesman for the White House National Security Council said the US had not coordinated the airstrikes with Israel, but added that the US fully recognizes “Israel’s right to self-defense.”

An Israeli firefighter in one of the buildings damaged by the Houthi drone attack on Tel Aviv.

The Houthi movement, also known as Ansar Allah – Arabic for “followers of God” – is a Shiite Islamist political and military organization that emerged in the 1990s and is supported by Iran.

The Houthis’ official slogan is similar to the slogans of the Lebanese-based Iranian proxy party Hezbollah and is: “God is greatest. Death to America. Death to Israel. Cursed be the Jews. Victory to Islam.”

In 2014, Houthi forces allied with former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh seized control of the Yemeni capital Sanaa from the UN-recognized Yemeni government, triggering a civil war that has shaken the country ever since.

Since March 2015, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have led a coalition against the Houthi forces in Yemen.

More recently, the group has been seen in parts of the predominantly Sunni Muslim world and beyond as a champion of the Palestinian cause, defending the people of Gaza against Israel.

Since October 7, Houthi rebels have carried out numerous missile and drone attacks on ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, claiming those vessels were linked to Israel and its allies, escalating tensions across the Middle East.

Smoke and flames rise from a location in Hodeidah, Yemen, following an Israeli attack, Saturday, July 20, 2024.

The attack on Hodeidah came against a backdrop of increasing tensions in the region.

In recent weeks, the Lebanon-backed Islamist group that supports Iran has stepped up its cross-border attacks on Israel after months of low-intensity fighting, prompting the Israeli military to warn it was ready for a full-scale assault on the country’s northern border.

After the attack on Hodeidah, Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir congratulated Netanyahu on the operation and said Israel should “pursue the same policy against Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant echoed Gvir’s sentiments. Smotrich said Israel must continue to attack “with all its might, even in distant areas,” while Gallant said “the blood of Israeli citizens has its price” and that wherever Israelis are attacked, “the result will be the same.”

“The fire currently burning in Hodeidah is visible throughout the Middle East and its significance is clear,” Gallant said.

Hezbollah in Lebanon condemned the attack on Yemen and said: “We stand firmly with the Yemeni people and defend them, their sovereignty and their heroic and historic stance alongside Palestine.”

Hamas also condemned the attack and called it a “dangerous escalation.”

Meanwhile, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz called on the international community to “maximize sanctions against Iran.”

“Iran supports, trains and finances the Houthi terrorist organization as part of its regional network of terrorist organizations whose goal is to attack Israel,” he said.

“Iran is the head of the snake – it must be stopped now,” Katz added.

Iran condemned the Israeli attack on Hodeidah. Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani warned of a risk of war in the region and said Israel’s actions in Gaza were the “root” of escalating tensions.

“The oppressed but powerful people of Yemen are paying the price for their honorable support of the innocent citizens, women and children of Gaza,” Kanaani said.

This is a developing story and will be updated.