
Michigan surpasses California in number of cannabis products sold

Michigan surpasses California in number of cannabis products sold

LANSING – In March, Michigan overtook California in products sold, according to a report from SFGate. While California sold 21.3 million legal marijuana products in March, Michigan overtook the country with 22 million products sold, according to the BDSA’s count.

In terms of revenue, California still outstrips Michigan, with total sales for the first three months of the year reaching $1.2 billion to Michigan’s $786 million. However, SFGate noted that the difference is slightly due to higher prices in California compared to Michigan’s more competitive marijuana prices.

This week’s BDSA report coincides with new state data that also shows California’s legal cannabis market had its worst three-month sales quarter in nearly four years as it enters 2024. The last time sales were this low was in the second quarter of 2020, when the state reported sales of $1.1 billion.

The deteriorating situation prompted industry consultant Hirsh Jain to warn that California’s licensed cannabis market is “on the verge of collapse” due to pressure from the illegal market and other factors.

“Michigan is an example of how California missed the opportunity to legalize cannabis,” Jain told SFGate.

In addition to the top two products, the BDSA also reported the following product sales figures for some U.S. adult markets for March:

  • Arizona: 5.4 million
  • Colorado: 6 million
  • Florida: 9.6 million
  • Illinois: 5.7 million
  • Maryland: 3.2 million
  • Massachusetts: 7.3 million
  • Missouri: 4.3 million
  • Nevada: 3.9 million
  • New Jersey: 2.3 million
  • Oregon: 5.8 million

This story appeared in Green Market R