
Share your vote to reject CUP

Share your vote to reject CUP

Republic Services-Valley Landfill will soon apply to the Benton County Planning Board for a Conditional Construction Permit (CUP) to expand the Coffin Butte Regional Landfill.

Republic Services-Valley Landfill only purchases agricultural land and forest land and converts these zones, on paper, into landfill zones that serve as buffers and allow for a further, never-ending expansion of landfills westward into the Soap Creek Valley.

With the passage of this current CUP agreement to expand the landfill, Benton County will receive unlimited fees for the unlimited amount of waste disposed of.

Workers/truck drivers at active landfills face extreme health and safety risks when working with toxic waste, dead animals, medical waste in the form of gray dust (fly ash) from Reworld, waste-to-energy (Brooks and nano-fiberglass from Hollingsworth and Vose) – white dust material that forms white clouds, is classified as solid waste by the Department of Environmental Quality and cannot be used to cover garbage.

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The workers at the landfill constantly work under unsafe and unhealthy conditions.

DEQ cannot help these workers. Reports of health and safety risks to Benton County remain unanswered.

Before Benton County allows Republic Services to apply for a CUP with the Planning Commission, the County must address the current health and safety issues facing Republic Services employees.

Watch the Valley Neighbors for Environmental Quality and Safety video on YouTube that reports safety concerns.

Voice your opinion during the Planning Commission’s Land Use hearing and cast your vote to deny Republic Service’s CUP application to expand the landfill.