
Letters — Your Voice — for July 20

Letters — Your Voice — for July 20

Trump “is a waste of perfectly good oxygen”

My disdain for Donald Trump is unwavering. If Trump were the alternative, I would vote for a three-headed goat.

He is a waste of oxygen and I have no respect for anyone who thinks they are worthy of public office. In all my 85 years, I have never seen a worse human being nominated by a major party in the United States.

But the answer to his candidacy is not violence, but the ballot box.

The United States is the only nation in the world founded on a political principle, not on geography or ethnicity. That principle is that the people choose their rulers in a free, fair, and universal election. That election will be held next November.

I hope and pray that Joe Biden (or Kamala Harris, or even Robert Kennedy Jr. or a three-headed goat) will beat Trump. But if he wins, it is my duty as an American to accept the result.

There is no situation in which violence would be an acceptable substitute for democracy.

Daniel Lindsay


Will wear the MAGA hat with pride

I am a supporter of Donald Trump!

I have a MAGA hat. I feel uncomfortable wearing it in public because of how “triggering” it is to Americans on the left.

Well, I’ll wear it from now on.

I have a right to my opinion. I never called Joe Biden Hitler. I just think Trump had a better presidency than Biden.

The border was better, we were energy independent, there were no wars, less crime, no inflation – a president I proudly support.

If you support Trump and wear a MAGA hat, join me. Wear it with pride. You have the right to do so!

Dave Chrisman

Kailua Kona

Island roads need better lighting

Due to a lack of street and highway lighting, driving at night is very difficult.

Add to that rain and it can be quite scary. Pedestrians or cyclists on the road pose a danger that we cannot predict.

I almost managed to hit people who were deliberately wearing dark clothing and were on or near the road at night.

To prevent disasters, we urgently need well-lit areas on all roads.

Cher Miles


Pollution vs. need for air conditioning

It seems like everywhere we turn today there is a problem and a price.

Who would have thought that using air conditioning in your car, office or home would emit even more small molecules of these “eternal chemicals”?

This is really depressing because with the increase in heatwaves these machines will be used more frequently and the already alarming amounts of TFA (trifluoroacetic acid) will be further released into the water, rain and our bodies.

I had hoped that funding air conditioning for at-risk seniors and children would be a solution, but now I see that this will only exacerbate the problem.

Why did they teach me to read so I could get endlessly upset?

Toby S. Hazel
