
Yemen: Prepared for any scenario after drone attack on Tel Aviv

Yemen: Prepared for any scenario after drone attack on Tel Aviv

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, member of the political bureau of the Yemeni popular resistance movement Ansarullah

The Yemeni popular resistance movement Ansarullah has said it is prepared for any scenario that could arise following the recent pro-Palestinian drone attack by Yemeni forces on the city of Tel Aviv in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, a member of Ansarullah’s political bureau, made the remarks in an interview with Qatari broadcaster Al Araby on Friday.

The movement is prepared for “any Israeli reaction” to the attack, he said.

Yemen’s armed forces had announced the operation earlier in the day. The plane exploded in a building less than 100 meters from the US consulate in the city, killing one person and injuring ten others.

Yemeni forces have carried out numerous attacks on targets in the occupied Palestinian territories since October 7, when the Israeli regime launched a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni armed forces announced that they had used a radar-evading drone called Yafa for the operation because Israeli air defenses had failed to intercept the drone.

The forces also attacked Israeli ships and boats heading toward ports in the occupied territories.

The aim of the operations, which had a significant impact on the regime’s economy, was to force it to end the war, which has so far claimed the lives of nearly 39,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

Adding to his remarks, Bukhaiti also noted: “The aim of our military operations against Israel is to stop the genocide in the Gaza Strip.”

The operations in Yemen were also used as a means of putting pressure on the regime to end the simultaneous siege of the coastal strip.

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