
Primary elections for Armada Township Supervisor, Treasurer and Trustee held – The Voice

Primary elections for Armada Township Supervisor, Treasurer and Trustee held – The Voice

Armada Township City Hall is located at 23121 E. Main St. (courtesy of Google Maps)

The Armada Township primary election on August 6, with Republicans clearly ahead, will determine the seats of supervisor, treasurer and trustee.

The Voice sent a request for information to each candidate in a competitive race. Responses were limited to 75 words per question. Trustee candidate Steve Arnold did not respond.

Supervisor Race

Two Republican candidates are vying for a four-year term as Supervisor: incumbent John W. Paterek and challenger Christopher Krotche.

Q: Biography: Please provide information about yourself, including age, education, occupation and any previous political experience.

Christopher Krotche (photo courtesy)
Christopher Krotche (photo courtesy)

Christopher Krotche: I am 53 years old. I was most recently the Armada Fire Chief and will retire in 2023, ending my 30-year career in public service. I am a licensed construction worker and have never held public office. I have been married to my wife Melissa for 28 years, have a son who just started his career as a firefighter and a daughter who is in college. We have attended Rockpointe Community Church since 1995.

John W. Paterek: Born December 30, 1956, 67 years old. We moved here in 1990; our children graduated from Armada schools. I attended MCC and was in the mold making apprenticeship program, business management and IT courses. I have owned Paterek Mold & Engineering Inc. since 1985 and moved it to the village of Armada in 1993 where we are still located. I was first elected supervisor in 2008 and still hold that position.

Q: What do you think makes you the best qualified candidate?

Christopher Krotche: Over the course of my three-decade career, I have proven myself to be a proven facilitator, a quality our community needs in its next leader. The current political climate in our community is divisive, unproductive, and focused on retribution. It is often said that we need “someone” to help us change this environment. To be successful, Armada needs a leader who will put aside egos and personal interests and advocate for residents, and I believe I can be that leader.

John W. Paterek (photo courtesy)
John W. Paterek (photo courtesy)

John W. Paterek: My business experience plays a big part in this. I have become very good at communicating with today’s technology. I also have a great respect for our community and greatly appreciate the successes of others. I do not instruct others on the board how to vote or what to do. I believe I should tell others what to do or not to do. I do not tolerate anyone knowingly doing something wrong or illegal.

Q: What do you think is the biggest problem facing the community and how would you address it if elected?

Christopher Krotche: One of the biggest issues is collaboration. The board lacks leadership, spends taxpayer money on non-profit expenses such as litigation, and has not used resources to advance the community. I will create an environment that allows and encourages communication and collaboration by reaching out and working with all elected officials and citizens. It is the board’s responsibility to understand all sides of an issue, discuss respectfully, and make decisions in the best interest of the citizens.

John W. Paterek: We continue to improve technology in the hall and at our fire department: We are currently scanning documents and updating our site to make them accessible. We are growing our tax base and creating opportunities for businesses and jobs: Planning Commission. Traffic flows, agribusiness, agritourism and travel north and south from St. Clair County to work: MCDR, County Clerk’s Office, businesses and community.

Treasurer Race

Two Republican candidates are vying for the post of Treasurer for a four-year term: Gail Hicks and Monica Job.

Q: Biography: Please provide information about yourself, including age, education, occupation and any previous political experience.

Gail Hicks (photo courtesy)
Gail Hicks (photo courtesy)

Gail Hicks: I am 66 years old and have lived in Armada Township for 37 years. I attended Wayne State University (English, Nursing Prep) and Macomb Community College (Accounting and Business Administration). I was the owner, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Hicks Plastics Co. Inc. for 32 years. I was an Armada Township clerk from 2000 to 2004. I was a member of the Armada Township ZBA for 17 years and the chairman for about 10 years.

Monica Job: Married to Steven for 39 years. Graduate of Armada High School – 1977, Oakland University, BS, Human Resources Development – ​​1982. Armada Township Trustee, 1996-2000, 2022-present; Armada Township Supervisor, 2000-2004; Armada Township Planning Commission Liaison, 1996-2000; Ending my current role as Director of Admissions/Placement at Paul Mitchell The School Michigan on July 31.

Q: What do you think makes you the best qualified candidate?

Gail Hicks: I have extensive experience in finance and accounting from my many years as a successful business owner. I am able to work with a wide variety of people, including those with whom I occasionally disagree. I have been an elected official and understand the role and responsibilities that come with that.

Monica Job: I have attended and been a part of community meetings for years. I will continue to understand the wants and needs of our constituents. I know the history of Armada and what good vision and planning can do for our community. I will continue to stay informed about our surrounding communities and the challenges they face as they grow so we can better prepare for the growth moving into Northern Macomb County.

Q: What do you think is the biggest problem facing the community and how would you address it if elected?

Gail Hicks: Our community is at a crossroads. Growth is inevitable and we need the cooperation and vision of our council to create opportunities while preserving our agricultural base and small town charm. It is time to stop bickering amongst ourselves and elect independent thinkers who are willing to work together for the benefit of all residents and businesses in the community.

Monica Job: The lack of transparency and guidance has cost some businesses and residents dearly. I would help develop clear, concise policies that people can follow. Inflation causes the cost of everything to rise exponentially. The municipality may have a million dollars in the bank and in assets, but we have older infrastructure, buildings, equipment, etc. that need to be replaced or repaired. I will advocate for unspent funds to be reserved for a specific future use.

Trustee race

Four Republican candidates are vying for the trustee positions for two four-year terms: Arnold, Jim Goetzinger, Steven Nikkel and Van Snyder.

Q: Biography: Please provide information about yourself, including age, education, occupation and any previous political experience.

Jim Goetzinger (photo courtesy)
Jim Goetzinger (photo courtesy)

Jim Goetzinger: I have lived in Armada Township most of my life. I am 42 years old, a graduate of Armada Area Schools, and have a degree in Civil Engineering from Michigan Technological University. I am the Director of Public Services for the City of Richmond. I have been happily married for 17 years and have three wonderful children who attend Armada schools. I am currently a trustee on the Armada Township Board, but have no prior political experience.

Steven Nickel: I am 47 years old. I have lived in the township for 40 years. My wife Renee and I have been married for 21 years. We have raised two beautiful girls. They will both be attending MSU in the fall. I am a small business owner in Armada. I graduated from Armada High School and attended Macomb Community College where I earned a degree in automotive design. I previously served as a trustee for Armada Township in 2018.

Van Snyder (photo courtesy)
Van Snyder (photo courtesy)

From Snyder: I am a 32-year USMC veteran and successful entrepreneur. I have managed several projects and am deeply committed to public service, although I have never held political office.

Q: What do you think makes you the best qualified candidate?

Jim Goetzinger: Having grown up in Armada Township, I believe I understand what residents want for our community. Through my education and profession, I have a lot of experience in local government, municipal budgets, planning and construction. I believe I am hard working, organized, objective and well prepared. Most importantly, I am running for trustee because I love my community and feel it is my duty to put my experience to use in the service of my community.

Steven Nikkel (photo courtesy)
Steven Nikkel (photo courtesy)

Steven Nickel: I am very familiar with the position I am running for. I held this position back in 2018. I downsized the waste transfer site by over $28,000.

Snyder: My leadership skills from my time in the Marine Corps, my entrepreneurial success, and my commitment to the community make me the most qualified candidate.

Q: What do you think is the biggest problem facing the community and how would you address it if elected?

Jim Goetzinger: Armada Township is a great community. We must manage our limited resources and work together as a board to best serve our community. I will continue to be an objective board member with honest values ​​and common sense on all issues.

Steven Nickel: One of the biggest problems I see is that our commercial/industrial corridor is not being used as it should be. I would work to attract businesses to our area.

From Snyder: The biggest issue is economic development. I will focus on attracting businesses, supporting local entrepreneurs and creating jobs.

Nicole Tuttle is a freelance reporter for The Voice.

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