
5 Chinese zodiac love horoscopes to improve the week of June 24-30, 2024

5 Chinese zodiac love horoscopes to improve the week of June 24-30, 2024

Love can make the bleakest times and the most difficult experiences easy to overcome. This is the theme of the love horoscopes of five Chinese zodiac signs for the week of June 24-30, 2024.

This week’s influential I Ching hexagram of love is Water over Water (#29) changing into Earth over Water (#7). It speaks of the changing situations that affect us all as days turn into months and then years and decades. Life is constantly changing, and so are your relationships, even your romantic ones. Because of this, two people who may be compatible at one point in time may suddenly become incompatible many years later.

Conversely, two seemingly completely incompatible people may prove to be absolutely compatible when their paths cross again.

In this shift, your happiness in love lies in being present in the moment and trusting the inner voice of love. This happiness will show you who is just a love for a short time and who is the right one for life.

The five Chinese zodiac signs with lucky love horoscopes for the week of June 24 to 30, 2024.

1. Horse

(1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Horse, your love life this week is about recognizing the happiness that adorns your life, because it can often have many shapes and take on different forms.

If you’re single, think about the future of your love life from the same perspective you use to make other important life decisions, whether it’s where to invest your money, where to go to college, or what house to buy. You’ll be lucky if you don’t let your basic attraction blind you to obvious incompatibilities.

If you’re in a relationship, your love life will blossom when you create the best experiences for yourself and your partner and show up to the world together. Whether you do this through dates, spontaneous greeting cards, or a packed lunch is up to you. The result will be happier than you think.

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2. Goat

(1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

Goat, are you ready to go wild this week? Because your love life is about to do just that!

If you’re single, try to be confident and purposeful in your life. The happier you are with the resources you have, the easier it will be for you to attract the person who is on the other end of your red thread of destiny. So get creative!

If you’re in a relationship, you’ll be lucky in love if you don’t hold back your deepest needs and desires and communicate them effectively. You’ll also be encouraged to enjoy sports and games with your partner and mutual friends. A house party can be just the thing, especially if you’ve just moved in together.

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3. Ox

(1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Ox, your luck in love is strong and courageous this week. Act the same way and you will be even luckier.

If you’re single, try to think about your future and date people whose life paths run parallel to yours. If they have a divergent life path, it will be difficult (or even impossible) to reconcile in the future, so put your happiness where it can actually flourish.

If you’re in a relationship, your happiness in love lies in recognizing the unique differences between you and your partner and finding a way to celebrate them. Create opportunities to engage with each other and you’ll always have the best of both worlds. Let your home exude that peculiar energy that unites two worlds, too!

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4. Council

(1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

Rat, your luck in love revolves around the mysterious and supernatural this week. If you’re single, don’t let your past hold you back from an extraordinary future. In this regard, you might be better off taking a step back for now. It sounds counterintuitive, but that’s exactly how you’ll unleash your luck.

When you’re in a relationship, don’t let third parties become the authority in your relationship with your partner, whether it’s one of your parents, a patriarch/matriarch in the family, or even a social media guru. Happiness doesn’t always decorate our lives like fireworks. Sometimes it alerts us to potential problems so we can prevent them from ruining a beautiful, growing relationship.

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5. Pig

(1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Rise up and shine, Pig. You’re about to get lucky in love! If you’re single, you’ll find that happiness if you’re spontaneous and open to adventure. A vacation is just what the doctor ordered! And it doesn’t have to be a solo vacation, either. Gather your friends and take a weekend trip (or a mini-cruise) and let things go as they go.

When you are in a relationship, your happiness in love is of a consistent quality. You are encouraged to recognize the blessings in the everyday aspects of your romance, whether it is a lightbulb changed before you asked for it, a packed lunch, a new vacuum cleaner that makes housework easier, and so on. Then watch as the positive feelings generated by this realization release your happiness. After that, it will be pure magic!

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Valeria Black is a tarot card reader, astrologer and YouTubers with expertise in spellcasting, runes and everything to do with magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.