
Video shows Houthi drone attack near US embassy – Israel News

Video shows Houthi drone attack near US embassy – Israel News

A video circulating on the Internet on Friday morning showed the drone attack on Tel Aviv, for which the Yemeni Houthis claimed responsibility.

In the video released by Army Radio, the loud engine of an unmanned aerial vehicle can be heard approaching the Tel Aviv coast, where the person filming is sitting on the shore.

The drone can be seen flying straight towards Ben Yehuda Street, very close to the US Consulate. A second later, an unclear object is dropped from the drone and a huge explosion can be seen.

Blyat“, the cameraman’s voice can be heard.

What happened on the night of Thursday to Sunday?

The drone strike was carried out on Ben Yehuda Street at the corner of Shalom Aleichem, near the US consulate, after loud explosions were heard in Tel Aviv early Friday morning. The Yemeni Houthis later claimed responsibility for the attack.

Morning after the drone attack, Tel Aviv (Source: Chen Shimmel)

During the search by rescue workers, the body of a lifeless man in his fifties with traces of shrapnel was found in an apartment near the site of the explosion. Ten people were taken to hospital with minor injuries.

An Israel Defense Forces spokesman said preliminary investigations had shown that the Tel Aviv explosion “was caused by the crash of an air target for which no warning was issued.”