
Migrants, Saied: “The only solution for illegal immigrants is a joint approach against human traffickers”

Migrants, Saied: “The only solution for illegal immigrants is a joint approach against human traffickers”

The President of the Tunisian Republic, Kais Saiedmet the Prime Minister yesterday afternoon Ahmed Hachani to discuss the results of his participation in the Trans-Mediterranean Forum on Migration on Wednesday in Tripoli, Libya. The Head of State reiterated Tunisia’s firm stance on the issue of illegal immigration to Hachani.

“Our country is proud to be part of Africa,” Saied said, “and has given everything possible to these migrants who are victims of human trafficking networks, but cannot accept being just a transit or brokering point.”

The President stated that this challenge can only be solved jointly, “by dismantling the criminal networks behind this unnatural phenomenon, apart from the fact that these displaced people are victims of an unjust global economic system.” The Head of State also reiterated “the need for the administration to remain neutral and for each official to distance themselves from any political considerations and respect the duties of neutrality and confidentiality. What is happening today in several departments is unacceptable and any violations or negligence within state bodies must be punished legally.”

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