
How to make my cat famous on TikTok: 8 tips for a viral hype

How to make my cat famous on TikTok: 8 tips for a viral hype

Anyone who has ever lived with cats knows how much joy and laughter they can bring. By sharing cat videos online, you can spread the joy of cats, and TikTok could be the perfect social media platform for you. With over 1 billion active users, setting up a TikTok cat account can help your cat become the next big cat influencer.

While it takes some luck, there are some practical things you can do to build and improve your cat’s TikTok account. Here are some ways you can help your cat go viral and become a social media sensation.

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Luckily, there’s not much required to start a cat TikTok account. You don’t necessarily need to invest in expensive equipment to start with. Just make sure you have a phone that can take decent photos and videos. Then, take some time to familiarize yourself with all of TikTok’s features. Once you have a good understanding of how to edit and post videos, you can start developing a plan of action to grow your cat’s TikTok account.

The 8 tips to make your cat famous on TikTok

1. Find your niche

There are many subgenres and niches under the vast Cat TikTok umbrella. You can find cat influencers who focus on one or two specialties, such as lifestyle, product testing and reviews, pet travel, and comedy.

First, identify your niche and create a list of video ideas that fit within that niche. If you narrow it down to one or two subgenres, your audience will know what to expect from your videos and more people will be more likely to follow your account.

Some popular cat-themed TikTok accounts you can get inspiration from include:

Watch their videos to see what they post about and get an idea of ​​the niche you want to specialize in. Remember, choosing a niche that fewer people have can increase your follower count and reach. You don’t want to make your cat TikTok like everyone else’s. Choose something more unique to make your account stand out more.

Woman holds her phone out to a cat
Photo credit: PhotodriveStudio, Shutterstock

2. Follow trends

You can gain a lot of views and followers by posting videos of current trends on TikTok. If you post videos of your cat using popular sound clips and songs, you increase their chances of getting more views as more people will scroll through videos with viral sounds and challenges. In fact, it’s common for a cat video to go viral because it uses a popular sound clip.

Keep an eye on TikTok trends because they start and end very quickly. It’s important to post your video while the trend is still popular, otherwise you’ll end up posting old content while the rest of the community has already moved on to the next trend. You can keep track of the latest TikTok trends on the handy Trends page.

3. Let your cat’s personality shine

People love getting to know cats and what makes them unique, so highlight what makes your cat special. This could be a particular physical feature, like @venustwofacecat, or a quirky personality trait. You can also make cute and interesting videos documenting a day in your cat’s life so people can get to know them.

Many popular cat TikTok accounts also give the cats a voice in the videos. For example, some cats’ videos include voiceovers with a funny or sassy voice. These types of voiceovers help develop your cat’s online personality and help others fall in love with their personality.

Two funny cats look amazed with big eyes
Photo credit: Evgeny_pm, Shutterstock

4. Interact with your audience

Videos with higher levels of engagement are likely to get more attention and views, so be sure to interact with your audience by responding to their comments. You can also create videos with prompts or questions that encourage people to “stitch” along with your video. The Stitch feature allows people to create their own video using footage from your video. This can help spread your video to more people and make them aware of your cat’s TikTok account.

5. Post regularly

Posting regularly increases the chances of your videos being shared with a larger audience, and people are more likely to follow your cat’s TikTok account because it proves that you’re providing new content on a regular basis.

You’ll find that brands and full-time content creators often post multiple times a day. However, for most cat owners just starting out, that’s just not realistic. While there’s no hard and fast rule for how frequently you should post, it’s recommended that you post at least once a day for the first few weeks after setting up your cat’s TikTok account. It’s also helpful to upload posts around the same time each day.

This helpful guide will help you determine the best times to post on TikTok depending on the day. Remember, it’s better to post high-quality content than a large amount of content. Engaging videos are more likely to attract followers and build a consistent following than if you post just for the sake of posting.

Woman talking on the phone with a cat on her lap
Photo credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock

6. Take high-quality photos and videos

People are more likely to stick around and watch TikTok videos with clear footage, so don’t post blurry or dark videos where you can barely make out your cat. Try filming your cat in areas of your home where you have plenty of natural light. Posting high-quality videos of your cat will convey to your audience that you’re serious and interested in posting good content, making people more likely to revisit and follow your cat’s TikTok account.

7. Edit your photos and videos

The appeal of TikTok is short, entertaining and engaging content. You only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention before they decide to scroll to the next video, so make sure you edit your videos to make the most of every second.

Adding music or sound clips can make your videos more engaging. Typing in subtitles can also add value to a video by providing more context or adding humor.

Woman talking on the phone with a cat on her lap
Photo credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock

8. Use the right hashtags

Hashtags organize your TikTok videos into categories, making them more likely to reach your target audience. While there’s no set limit on the number of hashtags you should use for each video, three to five is generally recommended.

Browsing the TikTok Discover/Explore tab will help you find trending hashtags. For even more ideas, you can quickly search for popular cat TikTok hashtags in a search engine.

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There’s no denying that it usually takes a lot of work to build and grow your cat’s TikTok account. However, it’s clear that the internet loves cats and there’s a huge cat following on TikTok. With some time, consistency, and a strategic plan, you can ensure that more people get to know your wonderful cat and that your cat gets the attention and admiration it deserves.

See also:

Photo credit: Josep Suria, Shutterstock