
The Christians’ response will resonate in America

The Christians’ response will resonate in America

USA (MNN) — This moment is etched in modern American memory. On Saturday, an assassin tried to kill former President Donald Trump at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Trump is the Republican presidential candidate for the upcoming election in November and was confirmed at the currently ongoing Republican National Convention.

Donald Trump was escorted off the stage by US Secret Service after taking a bullet through his ear. (Photo courtesy of Evan Vucci – Fair Use, Wikimedia Commons:

Greg Yoder, CEO of Key for children’s ministries says: “My wife and I actually saw it on TV when it happened and we were shocked by it. When you see something like that happen, of course I think back to Ronald Reagan when I heard about his assassination in high school.”

Many say the attack on Trump is proof of how cruel the rhetoric against political leaders.

“We are in a situation in the United States where the anger and frustration between both parties has reached a fever pitch,” Yoder says.

There are still many questions that need to be answered, but we are at a critical moment in U.S. history, and American Christians must make a decision that will resonate across the country.

Will our actions represent Christ in this time of fear, anger and division?

“When we see what happened with President Trump, and when we see what is happening at the convention right now, there is a call for unity – not a call to attack the Democrats, but a call for unity because the political situation has escalated so much and has really become so dangerous.”

Yoder says, “The situation right now is that everyone is trying to defuse it somehow. I think that’s a good thing. It’s a good time for us to share what Jesus says about fearlessness.”

Remember that true peace today comes from Jesus Christ. No political leader can give you heaven on earth. And no political leader can rob you of your eternal hope.

(Photo courtesy of Priscilla du Preez/Unsplash)

From there, we are called to share the hope of Christ with others in love and truth. This means engaging with people with whom we may disagree significantly.

“The most unloving thing we can do is not share the gospel with them or tell them why we need a Savior. As a follower of Jesus Christ, you have to earn the right to share that with others,” Yoder says.

“We were just talking about this in devotion today. When was the last time we prayed that God would send us someone with whom we could share the gospel?

“I think that’s the most important thing I want to share here. If we don’t focus on sharing the gospel with the people around us, whether it’s our neighbors, our family, whoever – and do it out of love – we’ll never get an opportunity to do that.”

Keys for Kids offers gospel resources for your family to seek Christ during this tense time. Visit the Keys for Kids website!

(Image courtesy of Keys for Kids Ministries)

To provide appropriate support, Keys for Kids offers a Seven-day devotion entitled “Overcoming Fear” that you can do with your children.

Then pray for America. Ask God to protect political leaders and give them divine wisdom. Pray for the unity of the American church that will transcend political boundaries and facilitate Christ-centered conversations.

Ask God to use Christians in the United States as His light in a lost and broken world.

Header photo courtesy of Levi Meir Clancy/Unsplash.