
Dua Lipa in workout clothes gives book recommendations

Dua Lipa in workout clothes gives book recommendations

Dua Lipa shares book recommendations with her 88 million social media followers. Lipa, 28, posted a picture of herself in a red sports shirt, posing with Tic-Tac-Toe by Malorie Blackman. “Tic Tac Toe – The Great Adventure“It’s my absolute favorite book of hers. I remember devouring each book in the series when it came out in the early 2000s, desperately waiting for the next installment. One reason it’s so enduring is that, while it’s written for young adults, it’s still an unashamedly political read. It was my first step toward understanding racism and classism, and opened the door to questions that are just beginning to form in young minds,” she captioned the post. Here’s what Lipa does to stay healthy, positive, and happy.

Lipa’s typical day is very busy, so she trains early. “I woke up at 7:30, did Pilates, took a shower, had a coffee and recorded a podcast,” she said The guard. “I got dressed, came here, had an interview. You are my second interview. After you I have one more, and then I go to rehearsals. After rehearsals I go home, cook dinner, go to bed, and that’s my day.”

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Lipa’s friendships with women are an important part of her life. She is particularly close to Tove Lo and Charli XCX. “They are just two solid, down-to-earth girls who are really girls,” she said Rolling Stone. “Every time I spend time with her, I feel so energized and really comfortable. It’s a real friendship, not one of those celebrity things where you hang out together. We’re really like-minded and love talking to each other. They’re both just so genuine.”


Lipa does yoga and meditation for self-care. “To be honest, I’m not very good at therapy,” she said Rolling Stone. “Although I’m disciplined in many areas of my life – or at least I try to be – I find it a little harder to force myself to talk about my feelings. I think that’s partly because I believe that communication with my friends is really easy. I talk to my friends about everything that’s going on.”

Lipa is grateful and has a very positive attitude. “I just like to see things positively,” she said The guard. “Every time you look back and think in hindsight, ‘Oh, that thing that upset me is so irrelevant now.’ It’s about radically accepting who you are, your mistakes. That comes with time, as you learn about yourself, have different experiences, and mature. Understanding that forgiving someone is just as important to the other person as it is to you. It’s about being able to move on. That’s radical acceptance at its clearest.”

Lipa describes herself as a hopeless romantic. “I think I have an idea of ​​what kind of person I am in love and relationships, and I feel like it’s all or nothing,” she said Rolling Stone. “When I’m with someone, I just give it 100 percent, my best. I used to ignore the warning signs, and I think I’ve also realized that warning signs come up pretty early. Most of the time I choose to ignore them. And then later on, that’s exactly the reason why things don’t work out.”
