
Sumitomo Chemical launches new digital platform Biondo® to increase the value of natural materials and connect sellers and buyers through its component analysis service | Business & Products

Sumitomo Chemical launches new digital platform Biondo® to increase the value of natural materials and connect sellers and buyers through its component analysis service | Business & Products

Sumitomo Chemical launches new digital platform Biondo® unlocks new value in natural materials and brings sellers and buyers together through its component analysis service

July 18, 2024

Sumitomo Chemical is pleased to announce the launch of the website for its new digital platform Biondo® Providing a component analysis service and connecting sellers and buyers of natural materials, the first of its kind in Japan*1on July 18, 2024. Biondo® will provide new value to customers by leveraging Sumitomo Chemical’s advanced analytical technologies and databases, as well as by leveraging its digital transformation technologies. The company will promote the effective use of limited resources through this digital platform to contribute to building a circular economy and create a sustainable future.

  • Website (in Japanese)

Biondo®*2, *3 builds on Sumitomo Chemical’s advanced analytical technologies and extensive natural resource data to bring together sellers and buyers of natural materials. The company provides component analysis services to identify functional substances contained in materials, while continuously expanding its data library to efficiently help customers find materials that meet their needs. Another key feature is the business matching function that enables sellers and buyers of materials to find each other.

The effective use of unused resources is key to achieving a circular economy. For example, up to 24 million tonnes of food waste are eliminated every year.*4By providing a component analysis service via Biondo®Sumitomo Chemical will unlock the inherent value of these resources to promote material recycling and upcycling. In addition, the company will target growth markets such as health and beauty and strive to create new value for its customers while addressing important societal issues.

What Biondo® offers

Biondo®The three main offers from:

– Its component analysis service. About 200 types of compounds can be quantitatively investigated and analyzed through the platform.

– Its material search database. The user can access the Biondo database.® Database that currently contains analytical data on over 350 types of natural materials*5to search for materials.

– Development of business partners. Buyers and sellers can find each other using the information in the material descriptions on the platform.

How should Biondo be used?®

– Sellers request component analysis of the materials they want to sell through Biondo.® The functional components contained in the materials are identified during the analysis and recorded in the material search database.

– Buyers search for desired materials or functional components using the material search database on the platform.

– Buyers and sellers can easily find potential business partners using this database on the platform.

The Sumitomo Chemical Group will make full use of its resources in digital technology, biotechnology and environmental impact reduction technologies to accelerate the transformation of its business portfolio into a solution-providing business and the creation of new business models.

Junpei Tsuji, senior executive at Sumitomo Chemical and head of the Biondo project, commented:

“Sumitomo Chemical aims to become an innovative solution provider that solves various major social problems through the use of innovative technologies. Biondo® is a new solution service that leverages our unique core technologies and our key asset of digital transformation technologies. We envision that this service will create connections between people and businesses that lead to a sustainable future. At Sumitomo Chemical, we will strive to unlock the untapped value of natural materials and transform them into business opportunities. We are also preparing to offer another new digital service. Look forward to it.”

*1: Research by Sumitomo Chemical on July 18, 2024 shows that Biondo® is the first natural material matching service in Japan that offers the three functions of component analysis service, material search using a database, and business partner development.

*2: The name Biondo® combines the words “bio” and “ondo” (Japanese for “lead”) and symbolizes a business matching service for natural materials. The name also sounds similar to the English word “beyond” and reflects Sumitomo Chemical’s commitment to creating new value.

*3: Biondo® is a membership service. Information on registration and fees can be found on the Biondo® website.

*4: Source: Consumer Protection Agency Reference Material on Reducing Food Loss (June 9, 2023 issue), Part 2 (in Japanese)

*5: As of July 18, 2024.


Sumitomo Chemical’s Digital Transformation (DX) Initiatives

Sumitomo Chemical is accelerating its efforts to develop new business areas by using data. Just about a year after presenting the idea for Biondo®the newly released platform

was commercialized with the support of a dedicated team with diverse expertise, including data scientists, assembled through internal recruitment. Sumitomo Chemical plans to leverage the know-how gained through this service and proceed with the second phase of its new business development initiatives in fiscal year 2024.

Press release dated December 21, 2022, “Launch of DX Strategy 3.0 team to create new business using data” (in Japanese)

Video of the DX Strategy Briefing Meeting on March 12, 2024 (in Japanese)


Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
Corporate Communications Department