
Dr. Ruth Holland Scott publishes book on raising confident children

Dr. Ruth Holland Scott publishes book on raising confident children


Dr. Ruth Holland Scott, a renowned child development expert, has written a new book called Raising Confident Children. The book offers parents a master class in raising confident children, drawing on decades of research and real-world experience.

“Everyone who has contact with children has a role to play in building a successful tradition,” Scott said.

Scott offers parents practical, proven strategies to help build confidence in their children at any age and at any stage of development. Combining clinical insights with heartwarming personal stories, Scott’s guide addresses the collective responsibility to leave a legacy of success for all children.

The book is aimed at parents who want to strengthen their children’s self-esteem and prepare them for lifelong success.

“Everyone who has contact with children has a role to play in building a successful tradition,” Scott said.

“This starts with encouraging the development of children’s self-confidence and exposing them to people and programs that foster that self-confidence,” Scott said. “Then we must recognize and celebrate the infinite possibilities of every child. This new book is full of stories and developmental advice delivered through structures, standards and soul anchors.”

Judge Marbury is the 19th Precinct reporter. She loves her feisty puppy Hiro. Connect with her on Instagram @justice_marbury and by email to [email protected].