
Country singer slams Jack Black and Tenacious D after tour canceled due to backlash

Country singer slams Jack Black and Tenacious D after tour canceled due to backlash

Let’s start from the beginning. Former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at one of his recent rallies. A few days later, Tenacious D (Jack Black and Kyle Gass) performed in Sydney, Australia, another stop on the Was their ongoing tour. Gass, who was celebrating his 64th birthday, was surprised with a cake and a song. While giving his birthday wish, Gass said, “Don’t miss Trump next time.”

After strong reactions, Tenacious D canceled their tour completely. In an Instagram post, Gass apologized for his comments. “The line I improvised on stage in Sydney on Sunday night was highly inappropriate, dangerous and a terrible mistake. I do not condone violence of any kind, in any form, against anyone.”

“What happened was a tragedy and I am incredibly sorry for my serious lapse in judgement. I deeply apologize to those I have disappointed and am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused.”

Jack Black followed with his own post and officially canceled the tour. “I was completely taken aback by what was said at Sunday’s show. I would never condone hate speech or encourage political violence in any form.”

“After careful consideration, I no longer feel it is appropriate to continue the Tenacious D tour and all future creative plans are on hold. I am grateful to the fans for their support and understanding.”

A country singer comments on Tenacious D’s tour cancellation

John Rich commented on the duo’s tour cancellation on X (formerly Twitter). “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! (at)jackblack
had to cancel his entire tour after wishing death on DJT ‘next time.'” Rich had previously commented that Black had officially endorsed President Joe Biden in June. “For a comedian, Ol (Jack Black) doesn’t have the best timing, does he?”

“I’m pretty sure I’ll get a warm compliment in Biden’s victory speech for what I gave up to be here. Because when democracy is on the line, Jack Black is there,” Black said at a fundraiser in Los Angeles for Biden’s re-election.

Since the incident, Gass has reportedly been dropped by the talent agency that represents the musician. If we at Wide Open Country learn more, we will update our readers.