
Car crash survivor gives insight into life after death after near-death experience

Car crash survivor gives insight into life after death after near-death experience

A car accident survivor has spoken about what happened when she almost died and what she saw.

Willow Caelan, a 34-year-old from Michigan, USA, was on her way home from her first day of work when someone drove into her from behind.

She remembers that she and her car were “thrown 40 metres” and that she immediately lost consciousness. However, when she regained consciousness, she felt as if something “unexplainable” had just happened to her.

Willow’s car was “a complete wreck,” but “somehow” she “emerged eerily unscathed.”

She remembers: “Everyone couldn’t believe it, especially because no one was looking after me because I almost certainly wouldn’t have survived.”

And during her moment of unconsciousness, Willow went through a profound experience as she revealed what she had seen and felt in that moment of death defeat.

Willow had a car accident (Jam Press)

Willow had a car accident (Jam Press)

Willow told What’s The Jam: “I felt like I was just pure consciousness and love, not a human with a body. It was almost like I was floating into a void to be connected to God or some form of the larger universe.”

“I couldn’t see or hear anything, but I remember it being dark, comfortable and warm. It was incredibly relaxing. I had finally found peace – no more worries and no more questioning – it was like heaven.”

And the near-death experience had a radical impact on Willow’s view of reality when she woke up.

Willow’s car was a “wrecked wreck” (Jam Press)

Willow’s car was a “wrecked wreck” (Jam Press)

When Willow finally woke up, she says she felt like she had “woken up in another timeline or reality where she had somehow stayed alive,” and she credited an “unexplainable force” with “saving” her.

And although Willow suffered physical injuries, her views, relationships and mindset were permanently affected.

She revealed: “My parents and friends seemed different to me, like strangers. I was different in my behavior and the way I spoke to everyone.

“I quickly realized that I had gained a unique attitude to life. It was as if everything was new again; the colors were brighter, I became more determined and wanted to experience everything.”

Willow spoke about her near-death experience and what she saw (Jam Press)

Willow spoke about her near-death experience and what she saw (Jam Press)

Willow explained that this experience “allowed her to see the beauty of life and our physical reality.” Since then, she has trained as a Reiki Master, Mind Mastery Coach, and Bridge to the Subconscious to help others discover more about their own soul.

She decided: “We came to this earth to experience these feelings, even if they are painful, because they teach us to make the most of this greatest gift: life.”

“I don’t know if it was divine intervention, pure luck or something more extraordinary. But a mysterious phenomenon saved me from death.

“(…) We don’t have to stay stuck with what we have experienced as our definition of self, because every day we have the opportunity to recreate who we want to be. I feel so much more connected to my soul.

“Dying is nothing to be afraid of. It is simply a different state of being.”