
Creative voice at the Pride Center of New Jersey in Highland Park

Creative voice at the Pride Center of New Jersey in Highland Park

Creative voice at the Pride Center of New Jersey in Highland Park

Every Wednesday – 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Creative Voice is open to any art form, from singers, novelists, comedians, painters, photographers, graphic designers, stand-up comedians, etc. Leticia approaches each one individually and gives instructions and assignments based on what you want to work on. The benefits of having different art forms in one class are learning how we all create differently, as well as what artists from different fields have in common. Everyone gets a different challenge and we discuss what was difficult or tedious. You also focus on being able to make mistakes and see yourself in a more positive light. This is something many artists struggle with regardless of their craft. We also learn about different types of feedback and how to “take what we need from what we get.” Not all feedback is productive and some of it is actually destructive. You learn to tell the difference between these. You also do silly exercises like experiencing being cheered or booed senselessly (without negative comments). This helps them understand how audiences or feedback affect them and learn to deal with it while gaining confidence in their work.
