
Chris Christie criticizes Trump for appointing JD Vance as vice president

Chris Christie criticizes Trump for appointing JD Vance as vice president

CNN’s Jake Tapper on Tuesday evening he reported on the former Republican governor of New Jersey Chris Christie Publication of an opinion article in New York Times Hammer Donald Trump for the selection of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) as his vice president after Vance blamed the Democrats for the assassination attempt on Trump.

Tapper reported: “There is an editorial that appears in the New York Times by former Republican Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie, who was quite critical of Donald Trump. In fact, he is one of the few people who ran against Donald Trump for President in the last election cycle who did not turn around and support Donald Trump. In it, he criticizes the harsh rhetoric that is heard in the debate in America today.”

“He says Mr. Trump has an opportunity to rein in some of the Republican Party’s worst rhetorical impulses. At its convention this week, he can set a new direction for the party and its leadership after the assassination attempt on him. But, Mr. Christie writes, the early signs are anything but promising,” Tapper continued, adding:

Chris Christie goes on to say that the selection of Senator JD Vance of Ohio as Trump’s running mate, quote, “reinforces the part of the party that is already totally devoted to him. Rather than appealing to the broader party and beyond. Mr. Vance’s first reaction to the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump was to appeal directly to

to the current flawed script, demonizing the other side and pinning the blame on the Democrats as if they themselves had pulled the trigger. That is clearly not a message of unity in the face of what could have been a national tragedy. But Mr. Christie continues: Mr. Trump, President Trump can demonstrate a willingness to change not only the way we talk to each other but the way we act. And it goes from there.Dana BashIt was quite an achievement that Chris Christie published a commentary on the second night of the convention criticizing the selection of Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate.

Bash replied, “It certainly is. As you mentioned, unlike Nikki Haley or Ron DeSantis, who will be speaking tonight, and some of Donald Trump’s rivals from 2016 who will also be speaking tonight. Chris Christie, the first supporter, the first former rival who supported Donald Trump in 2016, is not only not here, he’s not on board at all.”

“And the fact that he not only wrote this about JD Vance and criticized JD Vance’s choice, from his perspective, is a decidedly unimaginative choice because it does not grow the base or the party,” Bash added, concluding:

But on the violence, we have heard so many Republicans attacking Democrats for criticizing Republicans, using language that may now

that some Democrats regret. But what he’s saying here is, come on, guys, he didn’t write this, but I’m trying to say to Chris Christie, stop clutching your pearls. Everybody does it. Republicans do it. Democrats, do it. Republicans maybe even more. He specifically referred to January 6th. He made a connection between January 6th and the violence there and the assassination of the former president.

Watch the clip above on CNN.