
The Fountain Hills Photo Club meets on August 7

The Fountain Hills Photo Club meets on August 7

The Fountain Hills Photography Club meets on Wednesday, August 7th at 6pm at the Fountain Hills Community Center.

The club will continue its 2024 summer program with another episode of the Before and After program and the Show and Tell slide show.

The Show and Tell slideshow is a modified version of the earlier Member Slideshow, where members are asked to provide information about the photos they share: the why, where, how, and what they want to express with the photo.

The meeting participants ask questions and make suggestions for subsequent adjustments.

For the before and after program, members are asked to submit an unedited original photo as well as the final version with the results of post-processing.

Members are asked to inform the audience why the subject was chosen, which camera or smartphone was used and which application(s) were used for post-production.

Discussions generally revolve around composition, cropping, color correction, contrast, exposure, and techniques for removing unwanted objects from a photograph.

The Fountain Hills Photography Club is a growing group of enthusiastic local photographers of all levels who want to improve their photography skills, explore the capabilities of smartphone cameras and artificial intelligence, experience the wonders of post-processing, and share the stories behind the photos.

The club welcomed two new members last month and will welcome more in the coming months.

Participants are invited to bring their photos and learn more about photography.

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