
Abel Ferrara writes a book about all the madness he has seen

Abel Ferrara writes a book about all the madness he has seen

Abel Ferrara is an eccentric director. Conan O’Brien once had Ferrara as a guest in his former Late at night Show and the comedic host claimed that Ferrara tried to leave the show before his segment and Conan’s people had to chase him down and convince him to stay. He relented and the interview was meant to be a funny but slightly awkward talk show moment. Ferrara certainly seems like someone in the industry who doesn’t give in to the crazy fast lane of Hollywood life. However, the director has said that he has experienced a lot of crazy things in his profession, which he plans to write about in his next book.

Deadline recently met with Ferrara, the director of Bad Lieutenant, The Body Snatchers And King of New York said that his book will be less a memoir than an exposé. His book would be called scene and is scheduled to be released in Italy and the USA in the middle of next year. The director noted with amusement: “I can’t believe I actually got a book deal.” He explains, “I try to focus more on the people I’ve met and all the crazy shit in and around this business than on myself. Crazy shit has definitely happened to me.”

Ferrara’s latest film, which will soon be in theaters, Padre Piouses some controversial technology methods. As a seemingly traditional director, one would think that Ferrara would not partake in certain advances in filmmaking. However, in his new film, almost the entire cast will speak Italian, except that all the actors originally spoke English and AI was used to switch languages. Ferrara calls it “The perfect storm… the kids have performed in English, they can see the film in Venice, they can see it with an audience, they understand the film, they know what to do, and then they go into the studio and dub it in their own language, so they bring a little bit more.”

He states: “It looks like I directed it in Italian, which is very cool.” Ferrara explains why he is not afraid of this technology, “It’s progress… It’s like anything else. Why would you assume it’s being used to destroy you? What kind of paranoid attitude is that? It’s like the Internet – if you use it positively, it’s great. If you’re gaming all night and looking at pornography, it’s a disaster.” He added, “I don’t know, maybe it’s the end of the world, but I’m not that kind of guy. I have to see it to believe it.”