
Tobacco harm reduction in action: A path to smoke-free goals

Tobacco harm reduction in action: A path to smoke-free goals

With renewed global attention to the regulation of smoking and e-cigarettes, British American Tobacco (BAT), WITCO’s parent company, believes now is the time to take action to establish tobacco harm reduction (THR) as a legitimate approach to achieving public health goals.

Achieving this vision requires a global consensus on the most effective approach to achieve sustainable and lasting changes in consumer behaviour – Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR). THR is one of the greatest public health opportunities today, offering hundreds of millions of smokers who would otherwise not quit the opportunity to switch from combustible tobacco products to smoke-free alternatives.

Countries that have recognised the opportunity presented by THR and taken supportive measures have been able to significantly reduce their smoking rates. The US, UK and Japan currently have the lowest smoking rates ever and Sweden is on track to become smoke-free – defined as less than 5 per cent of the population being daily smokers – this year, 16 years ahead of the EU’s 2040 target.

These remarkable changes have been driven by the broad acceptance of THR by policymakers, regulators, health authorities and consumers in these markets, enabling and encouraging smokers to switch from combustible tobacco products such as cigarettes to vapor, oral nicotine pouches, snus and heated tobacco or herbal products.

Widespread availability of smoke-free products is critical to the success of THR, but this is currently hampered by the fact that many countries restrict access to these alternative tobacco and nicotine products. For example, 60 percent of the world’s population lives in just 15 countries; of these, only about 40 percent allow the sale of smoke-free products, leaving millions of people who would otherwise continue to smoke without the opportunity to switch to such alternatives.

To fully realize the public health potential of THR and significantly reduce the more than eight million deaths attributable to cigarette smoking each year, regulators worldwide are encouraged to rely on evidence-based science to achieve positive public health impacts.

This means implementing a supportive regulatory framework that encourages adult smokers who would otherwise continue to smoke to switch, while protecting consumers through strict safety standards and preventing underage use.

In addition, the global success of THR depends on governments and regulators correcting persistent misperceptions about smoke-free products compared to cigarettes.

A UCL-led study published earlier this year showed that most smokers in England incorrectly believe that vaping is “at least as harmful as smoking”. Fifty-seven percent of respondents said they thought vaping was “equally” or “even more harmful”. This mirrors trends from the US, where research shows that the perception that e-cigarettes are more harmful than cigarettes doubled year on year between 2018 and 20203. Not only are these misperceptions flawed, they also have significant public health implications as they actively discourage smokers who would otherwise continue smoking from switching to smoke-free products.

WITCO believes that greater efforts are needed to address these misperceptions. The world’s largest vapor product companies and leaders in smoke-free products are committed to producing innovative products based on world-class science and industry-leading product safety and quality standards. THR’s approach is based on the growing body of research and a weight-of-evidence approach that supports the belief that these products have a lower risk profile compared to cigarettes, which has been recognized by many international health organizations.

The industry that develops and produces these products has a crucial role to play. However, creating the conditions for THR to succeed requires a comprehensive, open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders. This includes policymakers, regulators and the health and medical community. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case and industry is too often excluded.

Together, we have the opportunity to create a new smoke-free world based on scientific research and a firm commitment to public health. The solutions are available today. All that is required is for relevant stakeholders to actively work together to prioritize THR and the well-being of millions of people worldwide.

1. “Scientist calls for evidence-based tobacco harm reduction strategies,”, 30 May 2024

Most smokers mistakenly believe that vaping is at least as harmful as smoking “, University College London, 20 February 2024

Relative harm perceptions of e-cigarettes compared to cigarettes, U.S. adults, 2018–2020”, National Library of Medicine, 20 August