
Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was expelled from his school’s shooting club because he was a “dangerous shooter.”

Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was expelled from his school’s shooting club because he was a “dangerous shooter.”

Another classmate, Summer Barkley, told CBS Pittsburgh that Crooks was popular with his teachers.

Mark Sigafoos, who graduated from Crooks, said: “That’s one of the things that gets misinterpreted – he wasn’t a loner wearing a trench coat.”

“And I would say he was definitely a nerd, for sure, but he never let on that he was scary or anything like a mass murderer.

“He gave the impression that he wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

However, other classmates said he was bullied at school because of his “looks,” and some considered him a potential threat.

“He was bullied almost every day. He sat alone at lunch. I mean, he was just an outsider, and you know how kids are these days,” a former student told NBC.

“They go up to someone like that and target them because they think it’s funny or whatever. That’s the best way I can describe it. And honestly, it’s kind of sad. I don’t want to say that’s what provoked it, but you never know.”

Many details about Crooks’ life and his possible motives remain unclear to investigators.

FBI officials said they are treating the incident as a possible case of domestic terrorism because the shooter left explosives in the vehicle he drove to the event.