
The Duluth Kennel Club’s All Breed Dog Show has visitors barking with excitement

The Duluth Kennel Club’s All Breed Dog Show has visitors barking with excitement

The Duluth Entertainment Convention Center (DECC) was packed to capacity this weekend, with many traveling to attend the Duluth Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show July 11-13.

This event is the largest dog sports event in northern Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Nicole Marcil traveled to the event from Thunder Bay, Canada to add another title to her dog’s name.

“We came here. I came here with my friend Katie because we like to go to American shows a few times a year and try to win an American championship with our dogs,” Marcil said.

Not only were there many different breeds of dogs represented at the event, but also many different owners. From children learning the trade to professional show dog trainers, everyone was welcome at the show.

“I’ve been around dogs and animals all my life. And I knew a few friends who showed dogs. And they kind of got me into it, so I got my first Labrador about 15 years ago. And I started with him and never stopped,” Marcil said.

Dog pampering stalls were set up throughout DECC’s Pioneer Hall. Some vendors had their stalls set up along one wall, selling everything needed to pamper their owners’ furry friends.

“It was really good. The people here are super nice, welcoming and friendly. It was a nice little trip to get away for a while,” said Marcil.

And since there were so many dogs in one place, the amount of dog hair was huge.

But in the end, many dogs went home as winners – even though several competitions took place during the three-day weekend.

“Archer here did really well. He was the winning dog all weekend. He even went chest-free on the first day and topped the specials. He ended up taking home seven points this weekend. And then my Labrador who was here got the last three points he needed to finish off his American championship,” Marcil said.

For more information about the Duluth Kennel Club, visit Duluth Kennel Club – All Breeds Kennel Club Duluth Minnesota