
IDF watched and waited for Deif before attacking Salama’s villa

IDF watched and waited for Deif before attacking Salama’s villa

Israel monitored the now-murdered Rafa Salama for weeks and saw that he would arrive at a villa and compound owned by his family, but decided not to kill him, instead waiting in the hope that Mohammed Deif would eventually follow him there, according to a New York Times report. Although Salama’s death in the Israeli raid on the compound was confirmed by the military on Saturday, Deif’s condition remained unclear.

Salama began spending more and more time at the villa after Israeli forces took over several of his other properties in Khan Younis, both above and underground. Israeli security officials said he was in tunnels most of the time, but he emerged for air and spent time in his villa with other armed family members.

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Mohammed Deif, crater from bombing of a Hamas complex in Khan Younis

(Photo: Bashar Taleb / AFP)

They said the military believed Deif, who had survived several assassination attempts and was in poor health, was more in need of coming out of the tunnels than other Hamas leaders. Among the intelligence the IDF relied on was a photograph showing Salama and Deif together in the villa’s garden.

On Friday, the day before the attack, intelligence officials received a tip that Deif was at Salama’s compound. The information passed through the chain of command to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who authorized the attack late Friday night. After further tips were received, at least five American-made guided bombs were dropped on the compound at 10 a.m., leaving a large crater.

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Mohammed Deif's hideout before and after the Israeli attack Mohammed Deif's hideout before and after the Israeli attack

Mohammed Deif’s hideout before and after the Israeli attack

(Photo: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

Although the humanitarian zone was also hit, the officials said Israeli leaders believed the risk to civilians was mitigated by the fact that the two senior terrorists were inside the Hamas compound and, based on their behavior, believed no hostages were being held there. The Palestinians said the bombing killed more than 90 people.