
Love horoscopes on July 15, 2024 improve for every zodiac sign after the ascending lunar node forms a trine to Jupiter

Love horoscopes on July 15, 2024 improve for every zodiac sign after the ascending lunar node forms a trine to Jupiter

Monday’s love horoscope helps you consciously choose not only what is meant for you, but also what you desire most. While the fate of the ascending lunar node often depends on the lessons you’ve learned with the descending lunar node, you’ll receive divine help on Monday, July 15, as the ascending lunar node in Aries aligns with Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is the planet of luck; in this case, it will help you think more positively about your love life, while also providing the catalyst to help you continue to grow so you can choose your romantic destiny.

The North Node and Jupiter should also help you to forge a new path after a recent difficult time, as long as you accept the truth and surrender to any changes that begin to occur. While it may seem like all is lost during these more difficult periods in love, that doesn’t mean you won’t get another chance to make all your dreams come true, and that’s exactly what the North Node and Jupiter will bring you.

Here’s what this means for each zodiac sign’s love horoscope on July 15, 2024.


You can’t just assume you know what your partner is thinking, dear Aries. Especially if you haven’t been very open and vulnerable about your intentions. Part of this growth period for you is learning to approach your love life differently than you have in the past, which also means leaving less room for assumptions and even distance.

Try to improve your way of communicating and also your conversations today because this is your best chance for a love that goes beyond just a happy life.

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Your dreams are not just superficial, Taurus, but are deeply connected to your soul purpose in this life. Rather than simply dismissing certain thoughts and feelings, try to validate yourself instead.

This means trusting that you are being guided, even if you may not understand the logical reasons why. When you accept this, you will also finally find a way to get back on the same page with your partner.

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Take charge of your life, Gemini, and don’t be afraid to say what you want. Sometimes you may be afraid to tell the universe your dreams or even your intentions for fear of bringing bad luck to yourself. But that’s not how the universe works.

In fact, the more certain you are that what you want is what is meant for you, the more easily you will attract it. And when it comes to love, there’s no reason to feel like you have to keep it to yourself – especially if your partner seems to want the same future.

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You are allowed to take space for yourself, dear Cancer. You are allowed to dream, to want certain aspects of life, and not be so hesitant to pursue everything you desire. Let today’s energy encourage you to take more space for yourself, rather than feeling like you have to conform to your partner.

They want you for who you are, and that means the idea of ​​living a small life has to be a thing of the past – because this really is a big love.

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Be careful not to talk yourself into accepting a love that you know isn’t meant for you, Leo. While there can always be an adjustment period to learning to accept healthy love, it should never feel like you’re forcing yourself to accept something that doesn’t feel quite right.

You may need to create space for yourself today to process some of these feelings. The people close to you can help you reflect back anything you’ve been trying to avoid regarding this special connection.

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Don’t underestimate the importance of feeling valued in your romantic relationship, Virgo—or even of your partner feeling truly valued. There’s been quite a bit of feeling lately about how well the two of you work together as partners in this relationship.

While it has to be a give and take, you may find that you actually need to step back and observe what happens when you don’t take the lead. Be honest with yourself and take every opportunity to talk, but also don’t be afraid to make space for what you really want.

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You may need to decide if this current relationship is actually growing, Libra, or if it is instead simply being kept alive artificially. A relationship that is kept alive artificially means that it is only being kept alive by ignoring the issues that are really bothering you.

A routine has set in and even the unwritten rules about what kind of person you need to be for that connection to continue to grow. Just because a relationship can be artificially kept alive doesn’t mean it will continue to grow. Let yourself face the truth, because the love you’ve always wanted is out there, you just need the space to receive it.

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The better you become, Scorpio, the more love you will attract. If you’re unsure about a particular connection, or even ready for a new love offer, then maybe it’s time to check in with yourself. Focus on the changes you can make to yourself and your life to attract more of the kind of partner and relationship you’re looking for – and be firm in your decisions.

Just because you can convince yourself of something doesn’t mean it’s actually what you want – and you deserve the relationship of your dreams.

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Love isn’t about playing the cards right, dear Sagittarius, it’s about following your heart. Even though romantic commitments and even marriage are a dominant part of the energy right now, you also need to make sure you work with it – rather than resisting it.

You may be feeling stressed today if your partner brings up engagement or you finally start planning your wedding, but it would be wise to pause and reflect before answering so you don’t ruin the happy and loving life you hope for.

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While it is said that a couple that plays together stays together (in your case, Capricorn), it can also come down to the couple that heals together – continues to grow together. Try keeping a journal of how you want to continue to improve and what you want to continue to grow in your relationship.

Once you’ve done that, talk to your partner about each other’s hopes, dreams, and even problems. Because love and romance are wonderful, but knowing that you’re helping each other to be the best that you can be is truly priceless.

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You need to allow yourself to show the uncomfortable in the little moments, Aquarius. Even if it seems like certain aspects of your relationship are improving and your togetherness is growing, you may still not feel comfortable planning for the future—or even saying yes to important questions.

You also need to ask yourself if your hesitation is really related to this relationship or to yourself. The answer may show you that you already have what you have always dreamed of.

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The more you honor your self-worth, Pisces, the more your partner will honor it, too. There’s an old saying that you need to show that you’re worth appreciating, but that also means having boundaries and requirements for someone to be a part of your intimate life.

Don’t be afraid to say what you really want or what you deserve from love and relationship. How you value yourself will inspire your partner to love you beyond your wildest dreams.

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Kate Rose is a writerspiritual astrologer, intuitive relationship and life coach and curator of tailor-made retreats.