
My Hero Academia Shigaraki cosplay shows how terrible the villain would be in live action

My Hero Academia Shigaraki cosplay shows how terrible the villain would be in live action


  • Tomura Shigaraki is a terrifying villain in
    My Hero Academia
    with a unique decay property.
  • Cosplayer u/ghostlygreyson’s depiction shows Shigaraki’s personality and details about his quirks.
  • Shigaraki’s complex backstory and motives make him an interesting and challenging villain.

The villains in My Hero Academia are some of the best written, most compelling and overall best anime. Since the series focuses on a world where almost everyone has superpowers, this definitely makes sense. However, few villains in the franchise are more frightening, cruel and downright horrific than Tomura Shigaraki.

Shigaraki is an evil person, but his character design is undoubtedly cool and distinctive. matching his fearsome personality and instill fear in his opponents. u/ghostlygreyson, a cosplayer on Reddit, has created a depiction of the heinous villain that is guaranteed to make anyone’s blood run cold.

In the picture, they are wearing plain black clothing, which makes the other aspects of the cosplay stand out even more against the neutral background. The wig is light grey-blue and very messy, just as disheveled as Shigaraki’s hair in his anime appearances.

The cosplay contains numerous manifestations of Shigaraki’s Decay Quirk

Scars, wounds, scaly skin and even the disembodied hands represent his terrible ability

Her makeup is remarkably detailed and gruesome, showing various wounds and scabs on Shigaraki’s face. The reason the figure’s skin appears to be peeling and wrinkled is due to its Decay Quirkwhich causes this unfortunate and uncomfortable symptom. In addition to patches of decayed skin, the despicable character also has a large scar above his lip and one above his eye, which are also depicted with makeup in u/ghostlygreyson’s cosplay. The villain’s pupils are a bright red color, another small detail that the cosplayer also mimicked with a pair of red contact lenses.

The most striking and striking aspect of this look is the three hands reaching for the cosplayerin addition to her own hand, which is extended in front of her chest. Shigaraki is always surrounded by disembodied hands in the anime, which grasp his head, torso, and shoulders. These limbs have a tragic and heartbreaking backstory: they belong to his deceased family. Shigaraki’s Quirk caused devastating destruction when he developed it because he initially had no control over the ability. This is one of the most devastating aspects of Shigaraki’s origin story, which eventually led him to go villainous.


My Hero Academia confirms the darkest theory about its villain

Chapter 418 of My Hero Academia seems to confirm a popular fan theory and reveals the true extent of All for One’s manipulation of Tomura.

Shigaraki’s dark backstory and complicated personality make him an interesting villain

The cosplay shows his villainous personality as well as his peculiarity of decay

My Hero Academia: Shigaraki emerges from a portal for the first time.

Shigaraki had a difficult life before turning to evil, making him a rather complex character with complicated motives for his undoubtedly inexcusable and evil behavior. He is one of the first truly challenging opponents Deku faced, as their opposing ideals and views on humanity clashed. Some of the most action-packed and breathtaking fights in the series include Tomura Shigaraki and he certainly fills his role as a villain well. u/ghostlygreyson has given this terrifying villain a realistic look that includes: even the darkest and smallest details of his infamous Decay Quirk In My hero academia.

Source: u/ghostlygreyson on Reddit