
Firefighter injured in Russian double strike in Kherson

Firefighter injured in Russian double strike in Kherson

On July 14, a paramedic in the city of Kherson was injured by a so-called “double strike” by the Russian armed forces against firefighters who had arrived to fight the fire.

As the State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported on Telegram.

On the afternoon of July 14, Russian forces launched an attack on the outskirts of Kherson. A warehouse and dead wood caught fire. Firefighters arrived and began extinguishing the fire. However, Russian forces launched another attack on the same spot.

Due to the renewed attack, the firefighters had to retreat to a safe place. When they arrived at the fire station, one of the rescuers was not feeling well. After an examination, doctors stated that the firefighter had suffered an acupressure trauma.

Russian forces regularly used the “double-tap” attack during the large-scale invasion of Ukraine. A double-tap attack involves bombing a target, then waiting five to twenty minutes, often until the first responders arrive, and then bombing the target a second or even third time.


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