
Julian Gresser talks to Chaucer about his book on healing and reconciliation | Arts & Entertainment

Julian Gresser talks to Chaucer about his book on healing and reconciliation | Arts & Entertainment

Julian Gresser
Julian Gresser

Chaucer’s Books invites author Julian Gresser to the store on Tuesday, July 30 at 6 p.m. to sign his latest book, “How the Leopard Changed Its Spots: Evolutionary Values ​​​​for an Age in Crisis,” at 3321 State Street in Santa Barbara.

At the beginning of the event, a miracle is presented and explained how this miracle is related to mastering the ability to be holistically resilient, that is, the ability to turn adversity into advantage.

The program then focuses on an immediate test of the resilience of the Santa Barbara community: how to address the high risk of electrical wildfire with the spirit of an innovator and the intelligence of a big heart?

How the Leopard Changed Its Spots tells of the author’s discoveries of beauty, wisdom, love and synchronicity and their practical application as a source of healing and reconciliation in a world that is rapidly falling apart.

Gresser is an international environmental lawyer, professional negotiator and one of the world’s leading Japan experts.

He is also an inventor who developed Big Heart Intelligence, Integral Resilience, Synergistic Leadership and Collaborative Innovation, all of which are covered in his online course.