
Australian security expert Scott Taylor explains what lessons Donald Trump and the authorities will learn from the attempted assassination, while Australian politicians jointly condemn the incident.

Australian security expert Scott Taylor explains what lessons Donald Trump and the authorities will learn from the attempted assassination, while Australian politicians jointly condemn the incident.

By Ashley Nickel for Daily Mail Australia

16:49 July 14, 2024, updated 16:55 July 14, 2024

An Australian who trained some of America’s top security experts has revealed the tough lessons former President Donald Trump’s team will have learned from his assassination attempt.

Scott Taylor, founder of Praesidium Risk and Resilience, believes that Team Trump will refocus on its evacuation procedures and tighter security checks after the shooting in Pennsylvania on Saturday evening (local time).

Trump, 78, was interrupted in the middle of his speech by at least eight shots fired by 20-year-old gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks.

The former president suffered an ear injury but quickly got up and shouted “fight” while raising a fist in the air.

While Taylor acknowledged that the image of Trump standing defiantly, covered in blood, just seconds after the shooting would likely become a “defining moment” in his campaign, he also said the image highlighted serious security flaws.

“At that point, there could have been a second perpetrator, there could have been an explosive device. It was not a safe environment,” he told Seven News on Sunday evening.

“They should have held him down and seen him through to the end.”

“In my opinion, media and politics are overtaking security.”

Scott Taylor, founder of Praesidium Risk and Resilience, believes Donald Trump’s security forces need to refocus on their evacuation procedures after Saturday’s assassination attempt

Mr Taylor also provided insights into what lessons Trump’s security team is likely to learn from the failed assassination attempt.

“I think there will definitely be some external and more comprehensive controls, including for the elevated areas,” he said.

“I think we’re going to put some emphasis on some training again to make sure those elements are practiced to make sure the evacuation goes smoothly as well.”

Although it took the Secret Service only three seconds to get Crooks away, Taylor says there are serious doubts about how he managed to shoot the former president.

‘THere “There should have been several elements that should have been taken into account in the initial assessment and ongoing crowd monitoring and control,” he said.

“The problem here is that there is a lack of protection around this elevated position.”

This critical insight follows statements by Australian politicians from both sides of Parliament condemning the use of violence in politics and expressing relief that Trump was spared serious injuries.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese described the incident as worrying and confronting at a short-notice press conference.

“Like all Australians, I was shocked by the horrific scenes at former President Trump’s campaign rally in Pennsylvania,” he told reporters.

“To be clear, the people at that event, the candidate, the crowds, and the free press that covered the event all participated in the democratic process.”

“In Australia, as in the United States, the essence and purpose of our democracy is that we can express our views, discuss our differences, and resolve our differences peacefully.”

“Any act of violence is an affront to this and must be clearly condemned.”

Mr Taylor (pictured) also condemned Trump’s decision to stand up just seconds after the shooting, saying there could have been a second shooter
Trump suffered an ear injury, while one bystander was killed and two seriously injured in the attack

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said: “I send my best wishes to former President Trump following this shocking attempt on his life. His statement is a relief and I wish him a speedy recovery.”

“My thoughts and prayers are with the bystander who was killed and the others injured.”

“Violence has no place in society.”

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison also commented on the incident.

“Sad, shocked and horrified by the assassination attempt on President Trump,” he said.

“Today we pray for him and his family, as well as for all those who risk their own lives to protect public figures.”

“Prayers also for America and its people, a great democracy and our great friend, in this difficult time.”

Australian Ambassador to the United States and former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd issued a statement shortly after the attack.

“All Australians are shocked by the attack on former President Donald Trump at his campaign rally in Pennsylvania this evening,” Rudd wrote.

“Violence has no place in our democracies. It is a relief to see that President Trump is safe. Our thoughts are with him and his family.”

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