
Around the author’s table: It’s time for book talks all over the island

Around the author’s table: It’s time for book talks all over the island

It is speaking season on the Vineyard, and authors with ties to the island are appearing. Terri Potts-Chattaway, Mark Chester, Thomas and Joyce Dresser, Richard Lewis Taylorand Cynthia Riggs will be talking, debating and gossiping about their new books in the next few weeks. Just like me.

Edgartown Books, Bunch of Grapes and the Island libraries host author readings throughout the summer. The MV Author Series begins July 11, and Islanders Write, sponsored by this newspaper, is August 18 and 19.

It’s part of the launch routine for authors to talk about their books. It gives potential readers a chance to learn more about the book, and it gives authors a chance to attract readers. Thomas Dresser has a long list of events this summer, and says he enjoys giving author talks because it helps him better understand what he’s trying to accomplish with his writing. Dresser is a prolific writer on Vineyard-related topics, and has two new books out. Hard to believe. It took me over a decade to finish my novel, and it still surprises me that I’m talking about it as if it weren’t a work in progress.

On June 29, Terri Potts-Chattaway will be at the MV Film Center with her husband, Jay Chattaway, to discuss her new book. Terri’s book, Journey to the Inner Light: The Life and Musical Voyage of Jay Chattaway, ‘Star Trek’, Jazz, and Film Composer (Gatekeeper Press), is a biography of Jay – an Emmy Award-winning film composer and avid sailor. This event is an author talk with a twist and is described as: “A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of film music, featuring clips from ‘Star Trek,’ ‘National Geographic,’ and Stephen King’s ‘Silver Bullet.'” There will also be a wine reception and book signing. And yes, I already bought my ticket. I recently had the opportunity to ask Terri a few questions about her book.

Do you know if other authors have written biographies about their spouses?

As Jay’s wife, one of the challenges I had to overcome in writing his biography was narrative perspective and voice. I met him when he was in his 40s; I was not around for the first half of his life. In my research, I found only one biography written by a spouse: “Sophisticated Giant,” about jazz saxophonist Dexter Gordon (with whom Jay had worked at the 1977 Montreux Jazz Festival), by his wife and manager, Maxine Gordon. Like me, Mrs. Gordon met and worked with her husband in mid-career. I have been encouraged by her success in communicating her husband’s story.

I assume it was your idea to write about Jay’s life and work rather than his own, and I wonder how you pitched the idea to him and what his reaction was.

I wanted to write a book and was looking for an idea when I saw Jay giving an interview on the phone for the umpteenth time. It was then that I realized that Jay had a story that everyone wanted to hear. I decided that I should tell that story. When I first approached Jay with the idea, he was understandably hesitant. Jay has always been a man of restraint, a trait I deeply respect. It was only when our mutual friends expressed their enthusiasm for the project that he finally agreed.

How did you go about researching the book?

Jay took me on a journey through his past, visiting the places that shaped him. I had the privilege of interviewing more than 50 of his colleagues, family members and friends. Each conversation added a new layer to the story. I watched all of his movies and TV shows. Jay has kept many memorabilia over the years that represented a wealth of information. And I can’t forget the many hours I spent interviewing and recording Jay.

Did you learn anything about Jay that surprised you?

There was so much new information, but what I learned about Jay surprised me the most. when we worked together on Star Trek. I was used to seeing Jay on stage, scoring the music. He was a classically trained and somewhat stiff conductor. But when we started recording jazz pieces, I saw a completely different man, one who grooved with the band. Most people know Jay from his Star Trek pieces, but he has an extensive jazz background. That piqued my interest, and I hope audiences take something away from reading Journey to the Inner Light.

Did you give him passages from the book to read while you were writing?

I didn’t give him sections. Whenever I had a full draft or a revision of a full draft, I asked him to read it and take notes.

“Around the Writers’ Table” is a column about writers and writing on the Vineyard. Please email [email protected] with your news about writing or books.