
Why the editorial about the Bernal Heights Democratic Club is wrong

Why the editorial about the Bernal Heights Democratic Club is wrong

The editorial misrepresents Thursday’s vote to endorse the 9th District Supervisor as if we were invoking an emergency measure enshrined in our bylaws to conduct a “re-vote.” That is not the case. This is not a re-vote, nor are we invoking an emergency clause to revoke an endorsement. No candidate received our club’s endorsement in the first round.

The club’s board of directors relied on Article XB of its constitution, which clearly provides that multiple votes may be held if necessary to achieve the 60% majority required for support.

Six candidates in this race have asked for our support. It will not help the voters of Bernal if the club remains silent on this important election. Therefore, as our statutes allow, we will hold a second round of voting.

We strongly reject the false claim that we are using emergency powers or breaking rules to favour an ‘establishment candidate’. As always, our members will vote democratically and we will abide by the 60% threshold set out in our constitution.

Buck Bagot, Secretary, Bernal Heights Democratic Club, San Francisco

George Clooney is not a superficial star who just trumpets his name around to get it known – he is a serious activist who cares deeply about the issues and supports good causes.

Clooney’s fame and activism put him in a position where the people who really matter will listen to him when he speaks, and will probably speak openly.

I believe Clooney when he says that every senator, member of Congress and governor he has spoken to about President Joe Biden’s resignation has privately agreed with him.

I take Clooney at his word that he truly loves Biden, but unfortunately I now know that the President is actually the man we all saw during the disastrous debate.

I don’t doubt that Clooney is right in recognizing that a new candidate would create a “chaotic” situation, but now it’s time for hesitant Democrats to face the facts. We must have a candidate with a strong chance of winning if we are to avoid the utter chaos of the alternative.

Jacquelyn Gentry, Foster City

It’s a real mystery. Rigging an election would be a huge undertaking, involving many people. And yet, so far, no one has been found guilty of a crime. No one has confessed and said, “I did it for God and country!”

Despite having unlimited resources, the MAGA people couldn’t find a problem in the 2020 election. It’s time to move on.