
Soldiers of Facebook – Israel uses social media to feed the Gaza war machine

Soldiers of Facebook – Israel uses social media to feed the Gaza war machine

Palestinian resistance fighters attack Israeli soldiers in Shejaiya. (Photo: video recording)

The soldier reportedly stressed that the Israeli army relies largely on reserve forces, who are feeling increasingly exhausted.

The Israel Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) quoted a Golani Brigade reserve soldier on Sunday as confirming that the army is looking for soldiers and volunteers through private Facebook groups due to widespread exhaustion among occupation soldiers.

The Israeli soldier reportedly said that the ongoing war was causing “psychological and economic damage” to the troops, Al-Jazeera reportedciting KAN.

He warned that the army would have difficulty recruiting new soldiers if current military policies were maintained.

The soldier also mentioned that the army was not prepared for a confrontation in Lebanon because the soldiers were not familiar with many areas of the country.

He also told KAN that Israeli soldiers are exhausted and do not understand why they have to keep entering dangerous areas in Gaza City, citing the army’s frequent operations in these neighborhoods, which put their lives at risk.

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The soldier stressed that the Israeli army relies largely on reserve forces, who are feeling increasingly exhausted.

He called on the military leadership to “wake up and understand the situation.” He pointed out that the army’s personnel shortage was demoralizing the fighters and undermining their resolve.

The soldier reiterated that Israeli soldiers were suffering from severe exhaustion and fatigue as the conflict continued both in the Gaza Strip and on the northern border with Lebanon.

Recent reports in the Israeli media indicate that hundreds of reserve soldiers are evading duty by leaving the service without informing their commanders.

The army is suffering from a recruitment crisis that has led to an extension of conscription to 36 months for the next eight years.

In addition, the Israeli army has ordered the recruitment of ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim), but this move has sparked a political crisis due to the long-standing exemption of these Jews from military service.

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Ongoing genocide

Israel, which is currently on trial before the International Court of Justice for genocide against the Palestinians, has been waging a devastating war against Gaza since October 7.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry In Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, which began on October 7, 38,443 Palestinians were killed and 88,481 injured.

In addition, at least 11,000 people are missing and are believed to be lying dead under the rubble of their homes throughout the Gaza Strip.

According to Israel, 1,200 soldiers and civilians were killed during the flood relief operation in Al-Aqsa on October 7. Israeli media reported that many Israelis were killed by friendly fire that day.

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Palestinian and international organizations say the majority of the dead and injured are women and children.

The Israeli war led to an acute famine, especially in the north of the Gaza Strip, and caused the deaths of many Palestinians, especially children.

The Israeli aggression also resulted in the forced displacement of nearly two million people from across the Gaza Strip. The vast majority of those displaced were forced to the densely populated southern city of Rafah, near the Egyptian border. It was the largest mass exodus from Palestine since the Nakba of 1948.

As the war progressed, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians began to move from the south to central Gaza in search of safety.