
Presidential immunity rule is dangerous

Presidential immunity rule is dangerous


“We, the people” no longer exists

The Supreme Court took months to decide how best to help Donald Trump evade responsibility for his attempted coup. In the end, six of the nine justices found a perfect solution. As long as a president is in office, he is protected from any responsibility, such as prosecuting his opponents.

It’s great that this ruling came as Americans celebrated the Fourth of July. As we paraded, waved flags, and set off firecrackers, many of us remembered why? 250 years ago, we fought a war and won our freedom from the grip of an English king.

Forget that holiday. July 1st is the new one – the day we lost our freedom. The Supremes gave it up to please one man, a criminal with a mean streak and a loose mind who already has a desire to be king and possibly re-elected president by his subjects.

Since a president now has immunity from anything he does in office, I would really like to see President Joe Biden use that power to remove those six judges, replace them with non-political judges, and overturn the ruling. It would be a necessary act of office to save our country.

Jean Duhon Hanson, Dundee

Voice of the People (July 7, 2024): Is this the best of our options?

“That can’t happen here”? Think again

July 4, 1776: The birth of the great American experiment, a democratic republic. July 1, 2024: The end of the founding principle of equality before the law.

The decision was made by a Supreme Court that no longer abides by the rule of law or any code of ethics. It is now openly partisan. 238 years of precedent have been thrown out the window.

Happy Fourth of July. Celebrate your freedoms, because we are losing them one by one. They are being eroded by people and groups who claim to stand for freedom and independence but are only interested in their own well-being (not yours or mine).

I think I’m going to read a banned book while I still can. Maybe Sinclair Lewis’s “That Can’t Be Here,” a fictional account of the rise of America’s first dictator. Maybe that’s where the quote “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carry a cross” comes from. Maybe not. Still true.

Karen Tiano, Winter Haven

Voice of the People (23 June 2023): The US Supreme Court has lost its integrity

Thank you, Sam Killebrew, for helping pet owners

Pet owners in Florida have reason to celebrate because the Providing Equity in Telehealth Services Act went into effect on July 1. The new bipartisan law allows veterinarians in Florida to treat more pets via telehealth, making veterinary care more accessible.

Until now, Florida law prohibited veterinarians from treating pets they had not personally examined – an often insurmountable obstacle for owners who face barriers such as affordability or transportation. For owners of large dogs, horses or anxious pets, a trip to the clinic can be challenging. Research shows that up to 40% of pets do not see a veterinarian regularly, and a shortage of veterinarians exacerbates the problem.

Fortunately, the PETS Act expands the availability of telemedicine, allowing veterinarians to treat more patients without logistical or geographic limitations. Pet owners have more convenient and less stressful options.

The PETS Act was the last bill passed in the House by Polk County Assemblyman Sam Killebrew. He has long been an animal welfare advocate, supporting legislation to expand pet-friendly emergency shelters, ensure that pets can be included in domestic violence protection orders and veterinarians can report suspected animal cruelty, and remove regulatory hurdles for veterinarians who perform spay/neuter procedures.

Jen Hobgood, ASPCA Government Relations Department, South

Voice of the People (30 June 2024): Vote for Florida’s right to privacy

Biden’s successes overshadow a debate

We have a president who has created over 15.6 million jobs (eight times more than the last three Republican presidents combined); who has passed gun safety laws; who has lowered the cost of prescription drugs; who passed an infrastructure package to rebuild the country, and much more.

Despite his achievements, some newspaper editors and others called for his resignation. Why? Because he did not have a strong presence in the debates.

His opponent told lie after lie in the same debate. His greatest notoriety as President was that he assembled a mob and sent them to attack our Capitol and disrupt the electoral process. He hoped to rig the election. The result was that people were killed and countless others were injured for life.

Have these same editors and others spoken out about this candidate being unfit for office? No! Their silence is deafening. At the very least, they should condemn his lies, his threat to our democracy, and his calls for violence and revenge against his so-called “enemies.”

I suggest that these editors and others should look inward and decide what they want for the future of our country.

Charles Warren, Bartow

Voice of the People (16 June 2024): Marco Rubio gives up his integrity for Trump

Will Biden be ready for the next debate?

In a rematch of the 2020 debates, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in the CNN 2024 presidential debate on June 27.

Biden’s voice was soft, but he spoke about trends and issues that have emerged during his presidency. He talked about the economy, border controls, women’s health care, infrastructure issues and public safety. But if you’ve attended three events before a debate, you too will be slow in your thought processing, your communication and public speaking skills will be delayed.

If Biden has indeed attended three events before the first 2024 presidential debate, he must be much fresher before the next debate. We will see what happens in the next debate.

Trump’s tone was strong. He talked about what he believes in and what he has done during his presidency. From his perspective, he talked about the economy, border controls, women’s health care, infrastructure issues and public safety.

The second debate is scheduled for September 10. We will see what the final countdown will be.

Shandale Terrell, Lakeland

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