
How the Moon affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign in the week of July 15-21, 2024

How the Moon affects the love horoscope of each zodiac sign in the week of July 15-21, 2024

It’s a cha-cha-cha week from July 15 to July 21, 2024! Feel the lively vibes and sweetness in the air? But before we look at the love horoscopes for each zodiac sign, here are the general love messages for the entire community.

First of all, the Moon – the light that influences our love lives in more ways than one – moves from Scorpio to Capricorn this week. The Moon has a shorter curve and here it devotes its full attention to the areas of life that ask us to find a balance between emotional storms and stillness. Can you do that?

Don’t judge yourself for the ups and downs. Love can sometimes demand a lot from us, but other times it gives us the space to grow and shine at our own pace. The energy this week is about recognizing these changes and not getting carried away by them!

We also have two astrologically significant transits for our love lives this week. On July 20th, Mars enters Gemini, while on July 21st we experience a glorious Full Moon in Capricorn! So if you haven’t planned a love ritual or manifestation meditation for these days, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this window of opportunity.

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Now let’s take a look at the weekly love horoscopes for each zodiac sign from July 15 to 21, 2024.


Best day for love: July 16

Key to love: independence

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Aries, your love life this week is rooted in your desire for independence. Some may think this is a strange anchor, since love inherently creates dependency and attachment, but that’s exactly what it’s about. True love, the kind that’s healing and healthy for the soul, will always lift your spirits and help you soar with strength – all while knowing you have a safety net in each other and you have each other’s backs. So cultivate your independence to recognize true love when it comes.

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Best day for love: July 17

Key to love: jewelry

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Taurus, your hair will be highlighted this week especially for your love life. Don’t let anyone touch it and leave their energy imprints everywhere. When you decide to date someone or are in a relationship, ask yourself: Is it okay for you if this person touches your hair? Is it okay for you if they sink their fingers into those locks? The first impulse will tell you everything you need to know, even before your conscious mind can take control. You are also encouraged to express your love through couples jewelry or adorning yourself in a way that uplifts your heart and makes you feel beautiful.

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Best day for love: July 20

Key to love: sleep and rest

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Gemini, falling in love is easy. It’s hard to return the love of the other. This week is all about your love life, realizing that you can’t approach love like you approach your career or other ambitions. Approval and personal preferences don’t work that way. Once you embrace this message, you’ll never feel insecure about being rejected again. You’ll respect the idea of ​​personal autonomy and keep going until you find the person who loves you back!

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Best day for love: July 20

Key to Love: Fight for your love

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Cancer, your heart is tender and beautiful. But that doesn’t make you weak. It makes you strong. Don’t we all know the extraordinary sacrifices and stories of wildness that true love brings? That’s your message for your love life this week. Be yourself and don’t worry about who perceives you and how. Know that true love is priceless, so when you find it, fight for it, even if cultural barriers and other obstacles stand in your way.

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Best day for love: July 21

Key to love: hug

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Leo, the energy of love for you this week is about knowing where your heart is, but asking yourself if it’s what you want in that particular moment. Sometimes old wounds can keep us from reaching out for love. Give yourself space to heal. Sometimes you may crave solitude after being with your partner all the time. Meet that important need, too. If you can do that, you’ll experience the true beauty of love without sacrificing yourself and your identity in the process. Just remember to start with a hug if that feels authentic to you!

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Best day for love: July 18

The key to love: allowing yourself to cry

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Virgo, catharsis will set you free. That’s your message of love this week. Whether you do this through radical self-care, crying until your heart feels better, writing down your thoughts and feelings, or working with a therapist, the path to healing will also bring you love. It will show you who to avoid and who is truly worthy of your love. The rest will fall into place organically, you just need patience and trust.

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Best day for love: July 18

The key to love: accepting your partner’s unique characteristics

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Libra, who are you when no one is watching? You need to talk to this person about your love life this week. While meditation can bring out messages from your subconscious, you will get better results and better responses if you talk to yourself at home or in the privacy of a journal. What comes out of this exercise will tell you what to do next in love. Astrologically, you are not yet in an important phase, so use this time to ground yourself internally and make great progress in love.

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Best day for love: July 17

Key to love: getting to know astrology

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Scorpio, when you’re confronted by someone in love about not meeting expectations even though you’ve only known each other for a few days or weeks or have only been on a single date, take a step back and ask yourself what deeper need lies behind what they’re communicating to you. Expressing yourself isn’t wrong, but it allows people to determine if they’re on the same wavelength. That’s your message in love this week. It’s time to align expectations and figure out if you’re romantically compatible.

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Best day for love: July 15

The key to love: enjoying healthy food

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Sagittarius, you are beautiful just the way you are. You don’t need to make yourself small for anyone or dramatically enlarge yourself. Choose the ways and forms of expression that suit you and feel right. The one who is truly right for you will be compatible with that too. How could they not? That’s your message of love this week. Just remember: changing yourself because someone doesn’t like your true self is different than stepping out of your comfort zone to grow. That’s the intersection of love and transformation.

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Best day for love: July 15

The key to love: eating and preparing comfort food

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Capricorn, you are more exquisite than you think. Don’t let your shine be dulled just because some people think you won’t find true love if you don’t conform to their definition of a romantic ideal. Even if they think you’re boring, you’re not. They fail to appreciate the layers and poetry within you. That’s your love message this week. You’re also encouraged to appreciate and connect with another’s heart through food. What will you choose first on this fascinating side quest?

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Best day for love: July 15

The key to love: heart-to-heart conversations

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Aquarius, the astrological energies are very significant for you right now, so much so that some of you may be better off stepping back from love and focusing on the areas of life that really stir your blood and excite your imagination. Perhaps your career or education.

You can’t force anything if the timing isn’t right. But if love is your focus, this message urges you to be open to growth and change through love. Read more books on the subject and have more conversations with your partner, but ultimately know that the roots you water will be the ones that grow significantly during this transit.

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Best day for love: July 16

The key to love: living out your passion for travel

Likanaris, Naysar, Twinkle Stroke | Canva Pro

Pisces, you are encouraged to find peace and quiet this week. Whether through meditation or a simple day at home where you are undisturbed by other people and their demands, dramas, or anxieties, this path of radical self-care will have an amazing impact on your love life. It will show you how to love wholeheartedly without losing yourself in the process. This message is extremely important for those Pisces who have psychic gifts and sometimes get lost in the currents of the collective.

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Valeria Black is a tarot card reader, astrologer and YouTubers with expertise in spellcasting, runes and everything to do with magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.