
Chris Martin eats only one meal a day, inspired by Bruce Springsteen

Chris Martin eats only one meal a day, inspired by Bruce Springsteen

Chris Martin eats only one meal a day after being inspired by Bruce Springsteen.
The Coldplay frontman stops eating at 4pm every day, skipping dinner, after seeing that the 73-year-old singer was “even fitter” than him over the last year and discovering that Bruce only eats one meal a day.
Chris said on the podcast “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend”: “Actually, I don’t eat dinner anymore. I stop eating at four and I learned that when I had lunch with Bruce Springsteen.”
“I was lucky enough to have lunch there the day after our game against Philadelphia last year. I had to follow a very strict diet anyway.
“But I thought, ‘Bruce looks even fitter than me,’ and Patti (Bruce’s wife) said he only eats one meal a day. I thought, ‘Well, that’s my next challenge.'”
Chris joked that his only meal of the day was “buffalo flank with steroid sauce.”
In 2021, the 46-year-old singer admitted that he had only cooked twice in the last ten years – and both times he set the kitchen on fire.
He told BBC Radio 2: “I’m not a great cook. I’ve cooked twice in the last ten years and both times the fire brigade came. I’d like to give them a shout out from the North London Fire Brigade who saved my life twice. The second time they came and asked: ‘Have you been cooking again?'”
When asked what he burned, he admitted: “Um, uh, pasta and toast, because I said I was going to cook dinner but then I got distracted and worked on a song and then forgot about it anyway, until now!”
In 2016, Chris revealed he was doing the 6:1 diet, which involved eating six days a week but fasting and drinking water on the seventh day.
He told Fresh 102.7: “I fast once a week, yes, one day a week.
“This guy said to me, ‘Try not eating for a day and your body will feel healthier.’ And I did it and I noticed that I could sing a little better and also I was so grateful for the food.”