
These days, it’s rare that a pixel-art throwback really impresses me, but a hybrid action JRPG where you collect magical octopus friends to cast spells might be just the thing

These days, it’s rare that a pixel-art throwback really impresses me, but a hybrid action JRPG where you collect magical octopus friends to cast spells might be just the thing

There are so many indie throwbacks to old Nintendo consoles these days that it takes a lot of power to make one really catch my eye, but Game Boy Advance-style RPG Tako no Himitsu: Ocean of Secrets (which Rock Paper Shotgun has previously covered) seems to have just the thing. Tako no Himitsu (literally “Secret of the Octopus”) has particularly beautiful graphics, as well as soundtrack contributions from GBA and SNES veterans Motoi Sakuraba (Golden Sun, Dark Souls) and Masanori Hikichi (Terranigma, Danganropa 2).

Tako no Himitsu launches with a generously lengthy demo that includes the introduction sequences of two members of a planned ensemble of six characters – it seems like the game will take a cue from Live a Live or Octopath Traveler in terms of how our heroes come together, with each getting their own introduction sequence in the spotlight and one of them less prominent as a protagonist. It took me about 45 minutes to play through just one character in Tako no Himitsu’s demo on Steam.